US Sales Growth Monitor

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 US Sales Growth Monitor

About this project


This project involves the sample of a store data to entertain the queries of finding weak areas for Profit and Sales and the impact of discounts on trade and gross.


  1. Graphical Performance of Sales and Profit
  2. Impact of Discount on Gains and Exchange
  3. Categorical and Sub-categorical overview of Trades and Revenue
  4. Shipping and Delivery Analysis
  5. Customer Segmentation

The dataset contains the 13 columns and 9994 rows , was quite rich and properly cleaned so there was no need of Data Cleaning. For Data Transformation , the data types for sales profit and discount was numeric originally , changed into currency because we are going to deal with the currency related terms.

Key Metrices and Insights :

  • Total Sales , Net Profit , Average Discount
  • Profit and Sales by Category
  • Profit and Sales by Sub-category
  • Impact of discount on earnings and growth by category
  • Geographical Analysis of sales and bottom line over different regions , states and cities

Lets dive deep into the analysis and findings !

undefinedThese shows the net overview of the earning and profit throughout and here used the slicer to see the overview insights in any specific area.

Categorical Analysis :

undefinedWe can depict from the above figure that the left donut chart shows the sales distribution across the three categories, with Technology leading in sales 36.4%, followed by Furniture and Office Supplies. The right chart displays the profit distribution, where Technology also leads, but Office Supplies contribute significantly, and Furniture accounts for the smallest share of profit.

undefinedundefinedThe 1st figure, bar chart shows the different distribution of Profit among sub categories by most profit and least profit, This chart on the left highlights the sub-categories that generate the highest profits, with Copiers leading, followed by Phones, Accessories, Paper, and Binders. This chart on the right illustrates the sub-categories that are the least profitable, with Tables showing the largest loss, followed by Bookcases and Supplies. Machines and Fasteners, although still profitable, are at the lower end of the profit spectrum.

For Sales we can see the largest growth has been made through the phones around $330K.

Shipping Analysis:

undefinedThis matrix shows the sales and profit earned by each shipping mode, most of the sales and profit made by Standard Class Shipping mode that's $1,358,299 and $164,058 respectively and its an obvious thing that mostly customers belongs to the mediocre class.

undefinedThe chart shows that the majority of items are shipped via Standard Class, accounting for 60.19% of the total quantity. Second Class and First Class follow, with 19.6% and 15.03% respectively. Same Day shipping is the least utilized mode, representing only 5.18% of the total quantity shipped.

Geographical Analysis :

Regional Growth Overview:

undefinedIt can be clearly seen from the chart that most of the sales and profit had been generated from West side i.e: $0.73M, $0.11M respectively. And the least have been generated in the Central region of the country.

Sates Overview :

undefinedCalifornia leads in both profit ($76K) and sales ($458K), indicating a strong performance overall. New York ranks second in both profit ($74K) and sales ($311K), showing consistent strong performance. Washington, While it ranks third in profit ($33K), it ranks fourth in sales ($139K). This suggests that Washington has a relatively high profit margin compared to sales. Texas appears in the sales chart ($170K) but does not appear in the profit chart. This indicates that while sales are high, the profit margin might be lower, or costs might be higher. Michigan and Virginia These states appear in the profit chart but not in the sales chart, suggesting they have high-profit margins despite lower overall sales. Pennsylvania appears in the sales chart ($117K) but not in the profit chart, indicating that like Texas, it might have lower profit margins or higher costs.

undefinedTexas has the highest loss of -$25.7K. This is consistent with the previous observation where Texas had high sales but did not appear in the top profit states, indicating that high costs or low margins are a significant issue. Ohio reports a significant loss of -$17.0K. This state requires a closer look to understand the underlying reasons for these losses. Pennsylvania reports a loss of -$15.6K. Despite being in the top sales chart with $117K, it suffers from substantial losses, reinforcing the need to investigate cost structures or pricing strategies. Illinois shows a loss of -$12.6K, indicating operational or market issues that need addressing. North Carolina reports a loss of -$7.5K. While it's the smallest loss among the five, it still indicates areas for potential improvement.

Cities Overview:

undefinedIn the left bar chart we can see the high sales and profit generating cities , on the above we have our sales and below it we have the profit , so we can clearly interpret that NYC have the most sales of $256k and profit of $62K among all the cities. The right chart shows the loss in the profit such as Philadelphia made the most of the loss in profit ($13.8K).

Segment Analysis:

undefinedThis chart demonstrates that Consumer section f the segmentation made the most of the sales and revenue by generating $1161K and $134K respectively.

Impact of Discount on Growth and Revenue:

undefinedThis chart demonstrates the impact of different discounts on sales and profit of the categories we can see that if there is no discount , the sales and profits are high and if allot the discounts the sales and revenue percentage starts dropping. When the discount increased from $0.2 to $0.3 we see a significant decrease in the growth and revenue i.e: 4.33% and -3.73% respectively.

Detail overview:

By Category:

undefinedThis matrix shows the detail breakdown of the geographical analysis of the sales and profit in Sates and their cities by category which will show that which category made the most of the sale or profit in which state and their contribution in each city. the cities or states have 0 sales or profit by category have been shown with a specific color. It will demonstrate that which area need to be examined with which suitable strategy.

By Sub-category:

undefinedThis matrix is also similar to the above one . It shows the detail breakdown of the Sub-category analysis in geographical regions. It will shows the weak areas and other details required to make strategies for the future.


Optimize Shipping Methods: Focus on Standard Class for most shipments, as it generates the highest sales and profit. Reevaluate the cost and pricing structure of Same Day shipping to make it more profitable.

Adjust Discount Strategies: Reduce discounts on Office Supplies and Technology to improve profitability. Implement targeted promotions to increase sales without heavily impacting profit margins.

Focus on High-Profit Sub-categories: Invest more in marketing and stocking high-profit sub-categories such as Copiers and Phones.

Boost Sales in Lower-Performing Regions: Implement region-specific marketing campaigns to boost sales in the East, South, and Central regions.

Monitor and Adjust Inventory: Regularly review inventory turnover rates and adjust stock accordingly.

Focus on High-Performing States and Cities: Continue to invest in marketing and sales initiatives in high-performing areas like California, New York, New York City, and Los Angeles to maximize returns.

Address Underperforming States: Investigate the reasons behind losses in states like Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Consider revising pricing strategies, reducing costs, or improving customer engagement in these areas.

Improve Profitability in Negative Cities: Analyze the specific issues leading to losses in cities like Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia. This could involve optimizing logistics, adjusting pricing, or enhancing local marketing efforts.

Enhance Consumer Segment Focus: Since the Consumer segment is the largest contributor to sales and profit, enhance product offerings, promotions, and customer service targeted at consumers.

Additional project images

Detail Overview Page
Main Dashboard page 1
Main Dashboard page 2
Slicer applied page 1
Slicer applied page 2
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