Unlock Business Insights with Excel: A Coffee Shop Example

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Unlock Business Insights with Excel: A Coffee Shop Example

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We're taking a look at an example of a dashboard I've created for a coffee shop. This dashboard covers sales from January 2023 to June 2023 and provides a comprehensive analysis of the business operations.

This type of dashboard can be an invaluable tool for a wide range of businesses. Restaurants, retail stores, supply chains, franchises, and e-commerce businesses can all benefit greatly from its detailed analytical capabilities. Additionally, sectors such as hospitality, health and wellness, education, finance, and manufacturing can use this type of dashboard to optimize operations, make data-driven decisions, and enhance overall performance. If you're in any of these sectors and looking to turn your data into valuable insights, this dashboard could be the perfect solution for you.

undefinedOn the main page, we can see the overall results for the coffee shop: the revenue for the latest month, the month-over-month (MoM) percentage change. Additionally, it highlights the top-performing location of the month, along with its revenue and MoM, and compares how much it outperformed the other locations.


In the second section, we can analyze each location individually. Using this selector, we can choose a specific location and view its top and bottom products in terms of MoM, revenue, and quantity sold. Furthermore, we have graphs that show the monthly revenue for each location both in the latest month and throughout the year, and a heat map displaying the number of transactions per day and hour for the selected location.


In the third section, we dive into product analysis. Here, we can use three selectors to choose specific product categories and items. We can see the revenue trends for these products throughout the year and their distribution across each location. There's a graph displaying the revenue for each general category and highlighting the most profitable ones, along with a heat map showing transaction numbers per day and hour for the selected product.


Finally, in this section, we summarize the key findings and general insights. Here, we identify key trends and areas of opportunity for the coffee shop.


"One of the major advantages of this dashboard is that it's built using Power Query and cube functions, allowing us to create highly customized reports and access real-time data from data models or Analysis Services. This optimizes performance, even with large data volumes, and simplifies complex multidimensional analysis, providing deep insights into dimensions like time, product, and location. Additionally, integration with Power Pivot streamlines data updates: to add new sales, we simply copy the new CSV file to the corresponding folder, and the data model updates automatically, ensuring consistency in reports. Cube functions also offer greater control over calculations and formatting, automate recurring reports, and enable detailed analysis without needing to reconfigure pivot tables. These features make this dashboard a powerful and efficient tool for transforming data into valuable information, aiding in informed and strategic decision-making."

Ready to transform your business insights with a powerful dashboard? Contact me today to see how we can tailor this solution to meet your specific needs and goals.

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