Credit Card Financial Dashboard Using Power BI

Tools used in this project
Credit Card Financial Dashboard Using Power BI

Credit Card Status Report

About this project

Problem Statement:

The objective of this project was to develop a comprehensive credit card weekly dashboard that provides real-time insights into key performance metrics and trends. This tool is designed to enable stakeholders to effectively monitor and analyze credit card operations, improving decision-making and operational efficiency.

Key Objectives Completed:

Development of Interactive Dashboard:

  • Utilized transaction and customer data from SQL database to create an interactive Power BI dashboard.
  • Ensured the dashboard provided real-time insights, facilitating immediate and informed decisions by stakeholders.

Streamlined Data Processing & Analysis:

  • Implemented efficient data processing techniques to handle and analyze large volumes of transaction and customer data.
  • Focused on monitoring key performance metrics and identifying trends to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of credit card operations.

Actionable Insights and Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Extracted and shared actionable insights derived from the dashboard findings with stakeholders.
  • Supported the decision-making processes of stakeholders by providing timely and relevant data analyses.

Year-to-Date (YTD) Performance Analysis:

The following is an in-depth analysis of the year-to-date performance metrics derived from the comprehensive credit card weekly dashboard:

  • Overall Revenue:The total revenue generated from all credit card operations stands at an impressive $57 million. This figure represents the cumulative income from various sources, including fees, interest, and transactions, indicating robust performance and growth in credit card usage.
  • Total Interest:The total interest accrued over the period is $8 million. This metric is a crucial indicator of the profitability derived from outstanding credit card balances and is essential for understanding the financial health of the credit card portfolio.
  • Total Transaction Amount:The total value of transactions processed through credit cards amounts to $46 million. This substantial volume reflects the active use of credit cards by customers and underscores the importance of efficient transaction processing systems.
  • Revenue Contribution by Gender:A detailed breakdown of revenue by gender reveals that male customers have contributed $31 million, while female customers have contributed $26 million. This insight helps in understanding the demographic distribution of credit card usage and can inform targeted marketing and customer engagement strategies.
  • Credit Card Type Contribution:An analysis of the types of credit cards in circulation shows that Blue and Silver credit cards account for 93% of the overall transactions. This dominance indicates the popularity and widespread use of these card types, suggesting that they meet the needs and preferences of a significant portion of the customer base.
  • Geographic Revenue Contribution:The states of Texas (TX), New York (NY), and California (CA) collectively contribute to 68% of the total revenue. This geographic concentration highlights key markets where credit card usage is particularly high, providing opportunities for localized promotions and strategic initiatives to further enhance revenue in these regions.


The development and implementation of the credit card weekly dashboard in Power BI have significantly enhanced the ability to monitor, analyze, and optimize credit card operations. By providing real-time insights into key performance metrics and trends, the dashboard has empowered stakeholders to make data-driven decisions, resulting in improved operational efficiency and better strategic planning. The comprehensive overview of YTD performance highlights the effectiveness of this tool in capturing and presenting critical financial data, thereby supporting the ongoing success and growth of credit card operations.

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