Unveiling Plato's Pizza Data for Business Success

Tools used in this project
Unveiling Plato's Pizza Data for Business Success

Pizza Sales Analysis

About this project

As the BI Consultant, my goal was to make Plato's Pizza even better by digging into its sales data. With Mario Maven's input, we've cooked up a single-page dashboard to reveal when they're busiest, which pizzas fly off the shelves, and how they can boost their bottom line. Let's slice through the numbers and help Plato's Pizza thrive!

I have completed this challenge in two parts.

Part 1 - Analysis using SQL:

Utilizing SQL, I conducted an in-depth analysis of Plato's Pizza's transactional data, focusing on various insights including revenue generation trends, order volume patterns, average order composition, pizza popularity rankings, busiest days and hours for sales, monthly sales performance, as well as identification of top-selling and least-selling pizza options. This comprehensive examination aimed to provide actionable insights to optimize Plato's Pizza's operations and enhance profitability.

Part 2 - Power BI Dashboard creation:

In the second part of the project, I leveraged Power BI to create an intuitive dashboard showcasing key performance indicators (KPIs) and revenue trends, along with daily sales insights. The dashboard provides a visually appealing representation of Plato's Pizza's data, allowing stakeholders to easily grasp important metrics and trends. Through interactive visuals and dynamic filters, users can explore sales performance across different periods, pizza categories, and sizes, enabling informed decision-making to drive business growth.

Insights And Recommendations

  • July sees peak pizza sales and revenue, likely due to summer activities. Sales decline in September and October, possibly due to back-to-school season, then rise again in November, possibly due to holiday preparations. Recommend adjusting promotions for summer peaks, offering back-to-school specials for September-October, and launching holiday promotions for November.
  • Based on the heatmap analysis, peak hours with increased demand occur during lunchtime (12:00 to 13:00) and in the evening (17:00 to 18:00). As a result, additional labor should be allocated during these periods to meet the demand efficiently.
  • Prioritize marketing efforts towards Classic category pizzas to boost revenue. Increase stock of Large size pizzas to meet high demand in sales quantity. Promote Classic Deluxe pizza to capitalize on its popularity. Consider reviewing or removing Brie Carre pizza due to low demand.
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