Toman Bike Share Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Toman Bike Share Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Toman Bike Share Dashboard

Problem Statement:


šŸ”¹ Toman Bike Share seeks the creation of a dashboard to visualize key performance metrics. This includes hourly revenue analysis, profit and revenue trends, seasonal revenue, and rider demographics to facilitate informed decision-making.

šŸ”¹ The dashboard should adhere to the company's color scheme and ensure ease of navigation. The necessary data will be provided through access to the company's databases, or alternatively, a new database should be created.

šŸ”¹ A preliminary version of the dashboard is required as soon as possible. Additionally, an estimated timeline for completion and recommendations regarding potential price adjustments for the next year are requested.



šŸ”¹ The first step involves setting up a structured database to store and organize the necessary data for analysis. This foundational step ensures data integrity and accessibility.

šŸ”¹ SQL queries are crafted to extract and manipulate data from the database efficiently. These queries are essential for filtering, aggregating, and preparing the data for visualization.

šŸ”¹ Power BI is connected to the database to import the prepared data. This integration enables seamless data transfer and ensures that the visualizations are based on the latest data.

šŸ”¹ A comprehensive dashboard is created in Power BI, featuring various charts, graphs, and metrics. This dashboard provides a visual representation of the data, making it easier to identify trends and insights.

šŸ”¹ The final step involves using the dashboard to address the specific analysis question. The visualizations and data insights help in making informed decisions and understanding key performance metrics.

Findings from the Dashboard:

šŸ”¹ The dashboard reveals a total revenue of $15.19 million and a profit of $10.45 million. The profit margin is 0.45, indicating a healthy profitability rate for Toman Bike Share.

šŸ”¹ In 2021, there were 1.24 million riders contributing to a revenue of $4.96 million and a profit of $3.42 million. In 2022, the number of riders increased to 2.05 million, with revenue rising to $10.23 million and profit to $7.03 million.

šŸ”¹ Revenue distribution by season shows the highest earnings in the third season at $4.9 million, followed by the second season at $4.2 million, the fourth season at $3.9 million, and the first season at $2.2 million, highlighting significant seasonal variations in revenue.



šŸ”¹ Conduct further market research to understand customer satisfaction, potential competitive changes, and the overall economic environment. This can guide whether leaning towards the lower or higher end of the suggested increase.

šŸ”¹ Consider different pricing for casual versus registered users, as they may have different price sensitivities.

šŸ”¹ Implement the new prices but be ready to adjust based on immediate customer feedback and sales data. Monitoring closely will allow you to fine-tune your pricing strategy without committing fully to a price that might turn out to be too high.

šŸ”¹ If the price in 2022 was $4.99, a 10% increase would make the new price about $5.49.

šŸ”¹ A 15% increase would set the price at approximately $5.74.

Recommended Analysis Questions and Answers:

šŸ’  What are the peak revenue hours for Toman Bike Share? āœ… The dashboard indicates that peak revenue hours are between 8 AM and 9 AM, with notable spikes in revenue and profit during these times.

šŸ’  How does revenue and profit trend over the months? āœ… The dashboard shows an upward trend in both revenue and profit from January to August, peaking in July and August, followed by a decline towards the end of the year.

šŸ’  What is the seasonal impact on revenue? āœ… The third season generates the highest revenue at $4.9 million, followed by the second season at $4.2 million. The first season has the lowest revenue at $2.2 million, indicating significant seasonal variations.

šŸ’  What is the distribution of riders by rider types? āœ… The dashboard reveals that 81.17% of riders fall into one category (3 million riders), while the remaining 18.83% are in another category (1 million riders), highlighting the predominant rider type.

šŸ’  What is the year-over-year growth in revenue and profit? āœ… Comparing 2021 and 2022, revenue grew from $4.96 million to $10.23 million, and profit increased from $3.42 million to $7.03 million, demonstrating substantial growth in both metrics year-over-year.


SQL, Optimized Query, Excel, Power BI , Power Query, DAX, Report Building

SQL & Dataset:



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