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Google Looker Dashboard

About this project


Problem Statement:

The Google Ads dashboard presents a comprehensive overview of ad campaign performance over a two-year period, but several challenges arise that could hinder optimal decision-making. The dashboard must clearly identify trends and anomalies in click-through rates, impressions, and conversion rates.

The high variability in cost per conversion across different campaigns suggests a need for a refined strategy to ensure budget efficiency. The significant increase in overall costs by 1,072.1% also needs investigation to ensure financial sustainability.

The distribution of device usage indicates varying performance metrics across platforms, which requires a targeted approach for optimization. This problem statement seeks to address these challenges by proposing enhancements to the dashboard for better strategic insights and cost-effective management.


  • The Google Ads dashboard displayed provides an in-depth analysis of Anush Bharathwaj's advertising campaigns from April 2022 to April 2024. It features critical metrics such as Click Through Rate (CTR), impressions, conversion rate, overall cost, and Cost Per Click (CPC).
  • Visual trends are illustrated through line graphs for quick assessment of performance over time, while pie charts offer insights into device-based engagement. Detailed campaign data including clicks, average CPC, and cost per conversion highlight areas of efficiency and expense.
  • This dashboard serves as a strategic tool to monitor, evaluate, and optimize the digital marketing efforts across various platforms and devices.


The significant increase in costs and the fluctuating cost per conversion suggest a need for a more targeted ad spend strategy, especially in campaigns where costs have soared without proportional gains in conversions.

The metrics indicate that mobile devices drive most of the engagement, highlighting an opportunity to optimize mobile-focused campaigns.

Overall, by refining the approach to high-cost, low-return campaigns and leveraging data on device usage, the potential for improved ROI and cost-effectiveness in future advertising strategies is considerable.


  • Optimize campaigns by reallocating budget from high-cost, low-conversion campaigns to those with better performance metrics.
  • Increase focus on mobile device targeting, considering their predominant role in clicks and conversions.
  • Implement A/B testing for ad creatives and landing pages to enhance click-through and conversion rates.
  • Utilize advanced analytics to dive deeper into user behavior and preferences on different devices.
  • Regularly review and adjust bids based on performance data to ensure cost efficiency.
  • Consider geographic and demographic segmentation to refine targeting and potentially reduce costs while improving relevance and engagement.

Findings from the Dashboard:

  • The total clicks amounted to 483.8K with an overall click-through rate (CTR) of 1.2%, indicating moderate engagement. Impressions totaled 41.8M, demonstrating extensive reach.
  • The conversion rate stood at 63.4%, translating to 595.5K conversions, signifying a high effectiveness in turning viewers into action-takers.
  • The average cost per click (CPC) of $0.6 and a total cost of $282.86K highlight substantial investment, with the cost per conversion relatively low at $0.5, showing efficient use of the budget in generating conversions.

Recommended Analysis Questions:

  1. What is the trend in Click-Through Rate (CTR) over the analyzed period?
    • The CTR shows a general fluctuation with a peak at approximately 1.2%, suggesting the need to investigate what factors led to higher rates during these peaks.
  2. How do the conversions correlate with the impressions received?
    • With 41.8M impressions leading to a 63.4% conversion rate, there is a strong correlation indicating effective targeting but room to improve impression quality or targeting precision to boost conversions further.
  3. Which campaigns have the highest Cost Per Conversion, and what might be driving those costs?
    • The dashboard lists several campaigns with varying costs per conversion, with some reaching as high as $16.31. Analyzing these could reveal inefficiencies or market conditions that inflate costs.
  4. How does device usage impact campaign performance in terms of clicks and conversions?
    • Mobile devices lead with the highest clicks and conversions, suggesting a need to optimize mobile ad strategies further and possibly allocate more budget towards mobile-friendly campaigns.
  5. What are the implications of the changes in average Cost Per Click (CPC) over time?
    • The average CPC has generally remained stable at around $0.6, indicating consistent market conditions. Analyzing periods of lower CPC might provide insights into cost-saving opportunities without sacrificing ad performance.
  6. How effective are the ad expenditures in relation to the overall conversions achieved?
    • With a total cost of $282.86K and a conversion rate of 63.4%, the expenditure seems justified; however, there's potential to reduce costs in underperforming areas to boost ROI.
  7. What specific adjustments can be made to underperforming campaigns to either improve their performance or reallocate their budgets more effectively?
    • Evaluating campaigns with high costs and low conversions for possible re-optimization or discontinuation could free up budget for more successful campaigns, enhancing overall campaign efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Skills: Looker , LookML, Report Building, Excel Dax

Link To Looker Studio: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/614c0099-80c8-4a25-886f-4b70e8f1df12/page/v4VyD?s=vIfd0EyAONU

Youtube: https://youtu.be/PMccr5EKgTc?si=0y-8PokCK4ugR5eh

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