UK National Rail Performance

Tools used in this project
UK National Rail Performance

National Rail Performance

About this project

This project truly interested me. The challenge of transforming vast amounts of National Rail data into actionable insights for passenger experience and network optimization was fascinating. As I delved into the data, I was particularly curious about uncovering the most popular travel routes and the factors influencing ticket purchases. It was eye-opening to see how visualizing delays by route and reason could inform targeted improvement strategies.

This interactive dashboard provides National Rail with a comprehensive overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) across its vast train network in England, Scotland, and Wales. The dashboard empowers stakeholders to make data-driven decisions to improve passenger experience, optimize revenue generation, and enhance overall network efficiency.

The dashboard includes

  1. Popular Routes & Revenue Page: Here where you can gain insights into the most frequently traveled routes, identify top revenue generators, and understand passenger spending patterns.

  2. Peak Travel Times: By analyzing peak travel times based on both purchase date and departure date, we can proactively identify periods of high demand and adjust service schedules or resource allocation to ensure reliable train operations and a smooth passenger experience.

  3. On-Time Performance Page: By examining this section, National Rail can identify the train paths that are most prone to delays, understand the reasons behind these delays, and assess the financial impact of these delays. This information can be used to prioritize improvement efforts and target resources to address the most problematic routes.

While developing this dashboard was a rewarding experience, time constraints prevented me from fully refining its design, layout, and functionalities. As a result, there are areas where further enhancements could improve the user experience and overall effectiveness. Despite these limitations, the dashboard still provides valuable insights into National Rail's operations.

Tableau Public Link : https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/amejal.oussama/viz/Classeur1_17179839204900/Dashboard1?publish=yes

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