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Sport Products Sales Analysis [FP20 Analytics Challenge-7]

Sport Products Sales Analysis [FP20 Analytics Challenge-7]

About this project

As the sports industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it has become increasingly crucial for investors to understanding consumerbehavior & identify lucrative opportunities. This report is designed to provides valuable insights to investors to drive data-informed decisions & gain a competitive edge & stay ahead of the market trends as wells as maximize revenue opportunities.Key Features of this Power BI Report:đź“ŚRegional Analysis: Regional sales patterns & identified high-potential markets.đź“ŚProduct Performance: Sales performance of different sports products & determined which ones are driving growth.đź“ŚCompetitive Landscape: Analysis of market share & revenue trendsđź“ŚConsumer Behavior: Understanding consumer preferences, purchase patterns & emerging trends to tailor offerings & capture new market segments.

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