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Awesome Chocolates Dashboard [Challenge by Chandoo]

Awesome Chocolates Dashboard [Challenge by Chandoo]

About this project

This comprehensive analysis delves into various aspects of sales performance metrics, such as total sales, units sold, profit, and profit %. With the ability to examine these metrics by region, geography, team, salesperson, product category, and product, user may gain a detailed understanding of operations and performance indicators

The best part is that within the report, a chart that mimics IBCS layout has been developed, with sales and costs at the bottom, profit in the center, and profit % at the top. The clarity and efficacy of data exchange are improved by this visual representation, guaranteeing that stakeholders can readily grasp key financial metrics.

Here are a few things CEO is interested in

  • How sales, units, shipments, profit, profit%, low-box shipments (shipments with box count under 50) trends are looking.
  • A detailed performance understanding at product or salesperson level.
  • Interesting patterns in product / geography data.
  • Ability to drill down to details if needed.

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