Adventure Works - Bike Shop Executive Dashboard

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Adventure Works - Bike Shop Executive Dashboard

About this project

Adventure Works was looking for a dashboard to help executives see high level trends in there sales, top products, return rates, and quickly combat trends hampering sales targets.

Data Prep:

Through out the project I used may Power BI desktop tools. I performed a QA process using query editing tools, added calculated columns, and went on to create measures to parcel data into easy to find and follow measures. Measures involved a multitude of DAX functions all with the aim to increase scalability and ease of use as the project went on.

Visuals used: KPI Cards, Highlighted lists (Top N Filtering), Area Graphs , Line Charts, Gauges, Donuts, and a map. Experimented with AI tools such as Q&A, Decomposition Tree, and Key Influencers to explore data


Followed the visual F format on the executive dashboard to provide quick highlevel views on overall sales for the executive team. Added views for the Reigional Managers in North America, Pacific, and Europe, and used AI tools to provide insight on outlying data points.

Created Bookmarks to navigate from the executive view to the Customer Detail, Product Detail and Maps tabs and to return back to the Executive screen and clearing filters.


Based on the data I found that Adventure works sales have been steadily increase since 1/1/2021. In the most recent month Revenue is up 3.31% but the orders are down 0.88%. Accessories leads the charge in order count, followed closey by Bikes.

Clothing: May be worth discontinuing, the most ordered product are the Adventure Works hats with 2,062 orders with gloves following with only 465 orders. Hats are juastifiable as they logo and recgonition can drive more traffic, however the shirts and jerseys not only have low order volume but a higher than average return rate (3.1%) with Average return rate = 2.2%

Accessories: Fender sets drive the most revenue ($87,041), I would explore the idea of placing these in areas of the store near check out or next to the mountain bikes as they are a popular addition to bike orders. Helmets are more of the same with Revenue, with multiple colors as a group they account for $205,834 since inseption.

The biggest order count are water bottles. I would recommend putting these next to check out stations to increase sales.

Bikes: Mountain Bikes (Mountain - 200) are the biggest driver of revenue and orders for bikes. Road bikes (Road-750) are slowly increasing popularity and because of this I would recommend spending marketing dollars towards increasing road bikes sales. Neither group has clear seasonality, so I would not recommend a seasonal campaign, but I would recommend a potential discount or add a free road bottle cage for road bikes. Reason being it is a nice addition with low revenue impact as they do not appear int he top ten product accessories, or a patch kit.

Overall: Adventure Works is on an upwrord trajectory YoY. Accessories are driving the most orders, while Bikes are driving the most revenuw. Areas for improvement are in clothing and road bikes. However with both categories you could explore the idea of reducing what is in stock to make more room for the top products being Mountain bikes and there accessories.

Hope you enjoy the dashboard and thanks for taking a look!

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