Public Works Employee Satisfaction Survey

Tools used in this project
Public Works Employee Satisfaction Survey

Public Works Employee Satisfaction Survey

About this project

The goal of this project was to help the leadership team of the Public Works Department understand at a high level with tools to explore satisfaction responses by departments.


A survey of 10 questions were sent to employees and they can either Stongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), or Strongly Disagree (1). The questions asked invloved feeling prepared for work, having opportunities to advance, feel supported, overall satisfaction and questions aimed at general sense of community.

With this back drop the aim was to help undersatnd how employees feel department by department.

The reason for this approach was as I explored the data I found there was not one clear issue. Scores vary by department and the goal is to improve the employee satisfaction ratings.

It is hard to later create any initiatives, or team building days when that may not be the issue afor one department but is the worst for another. Being able to drill into departments allows leadership to understand what questions were most strongly opposed and agreed upon, to then focus efforts on improving workplace satisfaction.


  • When using the dashboard navigate departments with the drop down menu to view the difference in average response rating from the overall weighted average of 3.07.
  • A Pie graph groups positive scores (3 & 4) and negative scores (1 & 2), this gives a quick over view, you then can see in a bar graph % of responses in each categorey.
  • For further insight the table of questions has been included with formatting to highlight the top two questions answered most positivley (Blue) and the questions with the most negative responses (Red).

Reason for the list inclusion was some departments have questions with the same average score, this allows viewers to see all quesitons and their average score as needed.

Happy Exploring!

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