Comprehensive Analysis of Commercial Transactions and Personal Financial Behavior

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Comprehensive Analysis of Commercial Transactions and Personal Financial Behavior

Google Looker Dashboard

About this project

Comprehensive Analysis of Commercial Transactions and Personal Financial Behavior

Problem Statement:

The primary objective of this project is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of commercial transactions and personal financial behavior over a four-year period, from 2014 to 2017. This analysis aims to identify key trends and patterns in sales and profits across different product categories and geographical locations. By leveraging data visualization techniques, we seek to understand the dynamics of market demand and supply, assess the profitability of various product segments, and evaluate the effectiveness of current business strategies. The project will explore the correlation between delivery times, sales volumes, and profitability to optimize operational efficiencies. This strategic insight is crucial for stakeholders to make informed decisions, enhance financial performance, and adapt to changing market conditions.


  • This project utilizes advanced data analytics to dissect the financial transactions within a business context, specifically focusing on the interplay between sales and profitability from 2014 to 2017.
  • By categorizing data across different product lines such as technology, furniture, and office supplies, and comparing these with geographic sales distributions, we can pinpoint areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
  • The visualizations include trend analyses over time and category-wise sales distribution, providing a clear and actionable snapshot of business performance.
  • This analysis is vital for shaping future strategies and achieving a competitive edge in the marketplace.


The analysis revealed significant insights into the sales and profit trends across various product categories and regions from 2014 to 2017. Notably, technology products dominated with 38.8% of total sales, indicating a robust market demand. Despite a steady sales volume, profit margins displayed minor fluctuations, emphasizing the need for cost management and pricing strategies. The average delivery time of 5.4 days correlates with customer satisfaction and repeat business, underscoring its impact on sales performance. These metrics highlight areas for strategic improvement, particularly in optimizing logistics and enhancing product offerings to boost profitability and market share.


  • Enhance the dashboard's interactivity by incorporating filters for real-time comparisons across different years and regions, allowing users to tailor the data views to their specific needs.
  • Introduce predictive analytics features to forecast future sales and profit trends based on historical data, assisting in proactive decision-making.
  • Expand the dataset to include customer demographics and purchasing behaviors to provide deeper insights into sales drivers and potential growth areas.
  • Implement automated alerts for anomalies in sales or profit figures to quickly address and rectify potential issues.
  • Regularly update the dataset and dashboard features to maintain relevance and accuracy in a dynamically changing market environment.

Findings from the Dashboard:

  • Technology products lead sales at 38.8%, followed closely by office supplies and furniture, suggesting strong market demand in these categories.
  • Despite overall stable sales, the profit graph shows variability, with categories like appliances and copiers exhibiting lower margins, indicating potential issues in pricing or cost efficiency.
  • The geographic sales distribution emphasizes a heavy concentration in certain states, pinpointing regional market strengths and areas for expansion.
  • A consistent delivery time of approximately 5.4 days correlates with maintaining customer satisfaction, hinting at the importance of efficient logistics management.
  • Yearly sales trends show a slight decline, suggesting a need for innovative strategies to rejuvenate market interest and consumer engagement.

Recommended Analysis Questions:

  1. How does the profitability of technology products compare to other categories like furniture and office supplies in terms of percentage margin? Technology products, while leading in sales, may not necessarily lead in profitability margins. Analyzing this will help identify the most efficient segments.
  2. What are the trends in delivery times over the four years and how do they correlate with customer satisfaction and repeat purchases? With an average delivery time of 5.4 days, examining fluctuations and their impact on sales could reveal insights into operational efficiencies.
  3. Which geographic regions show the most significant growth in sales, and what factors contribute to this trend? Sales distribution heavily favors certain states. Understanding the contributing factors could assist in targeted marketing and resource allocation.
  4. What is the year-on-year growth rate for each product category and how does it affect strategic inventory decisions? Observing the sales trends that slightly decline over the years can guide inventory management to avoid overstocking or understocking.
  5. How do sales and profit trends compare between high-cost items like appliances and copiers versus low-cost items like office supplies? Analyzing how higher-cost items perform against lower-cost items in terms of volume and profitability might optimize product mix strategies.
  6. What impact do seasonal variations have on sales figures across different product categories? Identifying sales peaks and troughs throughout the year can help in planning promotional activities and stock adjustments.
  7. How do operational costs (reflected in cost prices) impact overall profitability for different product categories? With a total cost price indicated at 222.3K, comparing this with profit figures across categories could uncover insights into cost optimization.

Skills: Looker , LookML, Report Building, Excel Dax

Dataset: https://tinyurl.com/ykycxtvw

Link To Looker Studio: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/8d0234ff-db6a-4382-b927-2538d475470d

Youtube: https://youtu.be/6cyK20kBXas?si=osxOcqaMBUsM5Wj_

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