Thyroid Check: A Deep Dive into Hormonal Health

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Thyroid Check: A Deep Dive into Hormonal Health

Google Looker Dashboard

About this project

Thyroid Check: A Deep Dive into Hormonal Health

Problem Statement:

Despite the increasing prevalence of thyroid disorders worldwide, access to thyroid care remains uneven across different regions. This disparity is evident from the distribution and frequency of thyroid-related healthcare services, which varies significantly from one area to another. The problem lies in identifying which regions are underserved and understanding the trends in thyroid case management over time. A deeper insight into the geographic concentration of thyroid care requirements is crucial to address the gaps in service delivery effectively. Moreover, differentiating the types of inquiries received by healthcare providers—ranging from general questions to appointment scheduling—can help in tailoring communication and resource allocation strategies more effectively. Addressing these issues is essential for improving thyroid care outcomes and ensuring equitable healthcare access across diverse populations.


  • Thyroid disorders are a global health concern with a need for improved management and care delivery. This dashboard presents an analysis of thyroid care services, highlighting areas with high demand and identifying trends over time.
  • It explores the distribution of services across different regions, providing insights into the frequency of healthcare inquiries related to thyroid issues.
  • By understanding the geographic and temporal patterns in thyroid care, healthcare providers and policymakers can better allocate resources and tailor services to meet the needs of underserved areas, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of healthcare delivery for thyroid-related conditions.


  • The analysis of the thyroid care dashboard reveals significant regional disparities in the delivery of thyroid health services, particularly in areas like Bihar which reports a high volume of cases.
  • Over the time period observed, there was a fluctuating trend in thyroid care cases, indicating varying levels of demand and possibly differing healthcare response strategies.
  • The pie chart illustrates that over half of the inquiries (54.6%) are general questions, suggesting a need for better public education on thyroid health.
  • Addressing these findings by enhancing service distribution and public awareness can lead to more equitable and effective thyroid healthcare outcomes across the regions.


  1. Enhance public education on thyroid health to reduce the high percentage of general inquiries and improve patient self-management.
  2. Implement targeted interventions in high-demand regions like Bihar to address service gaps and ensure equitable healthcare distribution.
  3. Utilize the trends data from the dashboard to forecast future service needs and adjust healthcare resources accordingly.
  4. Develop a feedback mechanism within the dashboard to collect real-time data from users, enabling continuous improvement of the tool.
  5. Collaborate with local health authorities to promote thyroid health screenings and awareness campaigns, focusing on areas identified as underserved in the dataset.

Findings from the Dashboard:

  1. The dashboard highlights that Bihar is a hotspot for thyroid care inquiries, suggesting a high demand for services in this region. It also shows a varied distribution of thyroid case records across different states, with Delhi leading followed by Haryana and Assam.
  2. Over the analyzed period, the trend line indicates a significant fluctuation in case numbers, peaking in early July. Furthermore, data analysis reveals that a substantial portion (54.6%) of inquiries are general questions, indicating a potential lack of basic knowledge about thyroid health among the populace.
  3. The geographic distribution suggests a concentration of thyroid care needs not only in India but also highlights significant requirements in neighboring countries.

Recommended Analysis Questions:

  1. Why does Bihar have a significantly higher number of thyroid care inquiries compared to other regions?
    • Bihar's high number of inquiries could indicate either a higher prevalence of thyroid disorders or a lack of adequate healthcare facilities in the region. Further epidemiological studies could help determine the cause and assist in better healthcare planning and resource allocation.
  2. What causes the fluctuations in thyroid care cases observed in the trend line over the analyzed period?
    • The fluctuations could be attributed to seasonal variations, changes in healthcare policy, public awareness campaigns, or other external factors. A more detailed temporal analysis correlated with these factors could provide insights into the causes of these fluctuations.
  3. How effective are the current thyroid health communication strategies given the high percentage of general inquiries?
    • The high percentage of general inquiries suggests that current communication strategies might not be effectively conveying important thyroid health information. Assessing the content and delivery methods of these communications could identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  4. What can be done to improve thyroid health services in areas identified as underserved in the dataset?
    • For regions identified as underserved, strategies such as increasing healthcare infrastructure, providing training for local healthcare providers, and implementing community-based awareness programs could be beneficial. Additionally, deploying mobile health units and telemedicine could help bridge the service gap.
  5. How does the distribution of thyroid cases in neighboring countries compare to that within India, and what implications does this have for regional health policies?
    • Comparing thyroid case distributions in neighboring countries can highlight regional health trends and potential cross-border health issues. This analysis can inform collaborative regional health policies aimed at standardizing thyroid care protocols and improving overall health outcomes in the region.

Skills: Looker , LookML, BigQuery, SQL, Report Building, Excel Dax

Dataset: https://tinyurl.com/47mdrsxd

Link To Looker Studio: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/847a02bb-b9c0-4ff7-b5a1-987f46b3b946/page/MXWyD?s=jk8NtrxUM24

Youtube: https://youtu.be/FnMy-THnCfo?si=dIM2yg9z56Y8J07_

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