Unveiling Uber User Behavior: A Pipeline-Powered Deep Dive with MageAl

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Unveiling Uber User Behavior: A Pipeline-Powered Deep Dive with MageAl

Google Looker Dashboard Using MageAi Pipeline

About this project

Unveiling Uber User Behavior: A Pipeline-Powered Deep Dive with MageAl

Problem Statement:

In today's rapidly evolving ride-sharing marketplace, understanding user behavior is crucial for enhancing service delivery, optimizing operational efficiency, and improving customer satisfaction. Uber, as a dominant player in this sector, generates vast amounts of data that can provide insights into consumer preferences and usage patterns. However, the sheer volume and variety of this data can often be overwhelming, leading to potential underutilization in strategic decision-making processes.

This project aims to tackle the challenge of effectively harnessing this data to unveil patterns and trends in Uber user behavior. By developing a comprehensive analytics dashboard, we seek to answer several critical questions: What are the most common payment methods among users and how do these preferences vary by region? How do trip distances correlate with fares, and what can this tell us about user habits and pricing strategies? Additionally, we will investigate the distribution of different ride types (e.g., solo rides, group rides) and examine the frequency of disputes or service issues, which are crucial for identifying areas needing customer service improvements.

Through a detailed analysis of Uber's dataset, encapsulated in a user-friendly dashboard, this project will provide actionable insights that can drive strategic business decisions and foster a more customer-centric approach in the ride-sharing industry. The end goal is to enable Uber and similar companies to refine their services, tailor their offerings to meet user demands more precisely, and maintain a competitive edge in the bustling market of transportation services.



The data pipeline designed for analyzing the Uber dataset using Google Cloud services

  • Initially, raw data is stored in Google Cloud Storage, ensuring scalability and security.
  • This data is then processed through an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operation using Mage VM, hosted on Google Compute Engine, which efficiently prepares the data for analysis.
  • Post-ETL, the transformed data is moved to Google BigQuery, a powerful analytics data warehouse, which facilitates complex queries and data analysis at scale.
  • Finally, insights derived from BigQuery are visualized and explored using Looker, a business intelligence tool (Looker) that enables stakeholders to interact with the data through dynamic dashboards and reports.
  • This pipeline represents a robust architecture for managing and analyzing large-scale data effectively.

Google Cloud Platform:


Mage AI ETL Pipeline:



  • Access Google Cloud Storage where your Uber dataset is stored.
  • Use the appropriate method to access files from GCS, either through code using a library like google-cloud-storage in Python or through command-line tools like gsutil.
  • Retrieve the necessary files containing your Uber data.


  • Cleanse and preprocess the data to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  • Perform necessary transformations based on your analytics needs. This might involve aggregations, joins, or calculations.
  • Create fact tables to store transactional data like rides, including attributes such as trip_id , VendorlD, datetime_id, passenger_count_id, trip_ distance_ _id, rate_code_id, store_and_fwd_flag , pickup_location_id, dropoff_location_id, payment_type_id, fare_amount, extra, mta_tax, tip_amount, tolls_amount, improvement_surcharge, total _amount.
  • Create dimensional tables for descriptive attributes like payment_type_dim, dropoff_location_dim, pickup_location_dim, datetime_dim etc . These tables typically have a foreign key that can be referenced by primary keys in fact tables.
  • Ensure data quality and integrity throughout the transformation process.


  • Set up a dataset in Google BigQuery to store your transformed data.
  • Define schema for fact and dimensional tables in BigQuery based on the transformed data.
  • Use Google Cloud Dataflow for efficient data loading into BigQuery. Dataflow can handle both batch and streaming data, ensuring scalability and reliability.
  • Schedule regular data loads or set up real-time streaming depending on your requirements and the frequency of data updates.
  • Monitor the ETL pipeline for any errors or performance issues, and optimize as needed for efficiency and reliability.

Data Modelling:


A star schema data model specifically designed for analyzing Uber's operational data. Central to this model is the fact_table, which stores transactional records of trips. It links to various dimension tables through foreign keys, facilitating the efficient querying and aggregation of data based on different attributes.

Key dimension tables include:

  1. datetime_dim: Holds detailed temporal information about each trip, such as pickup and drop-off dates and times.
  2. passenger_count_dim and trip_distance_dim: Store information on the number of passengers per trip and trip distance, respectively.
  3. rate_code_dim and payment_type_dim: Contain details about the fare type and payment methods.
  4. pickup_location_dim and dropoff_location_dim: Include geographic data about the pickup and drop-off locations.

Data Dictionary:



The analysis of the Uber dataset through our dashboard has provided crucial insights into user behavior and transactional patterns. We observed a total revenue of $1.6 million from 100,000 recorded trips, with an average trip distance of 3 miles and an average fare amount of $13.3 per trip. Most transactions were conducted via credit card, accounting for 66% of all payments. The JFK area registered the highest fare rates, indicative of its significant contribution to overall earnings. SQL queries further highlighted operational efficiencies and areas needing improvement, particularly in regions with lower transaction volumes.


  • Increasing the adoption of digital payment methods in regions where cash is still prevalent can streamline transactions and boost security by reducing the physical handling of cash and simplifying the reconciliation process. This approach could also expedite the ride process, offering a seamless user experience.
  • Implementing dynamic pricing in areas with consistently high demand, such as JFK Airport, can help maximize revenue. This involves adjusting prices during peak times or when demand outstrips supply, ensuring profitability while maintaining service attractiveness through competitive pricing strategies.
  • Introducing promotions and discounts in areas with low usage rates can encourage more people to use the service, potentially increasing overall market penetration and user base. These incentives could be time-bound or tied to specific events to maximize impact.
  • Enhancing the reliability of data collected during trips, particularly for those records that must be stored and forwarded due to poor server connectivity, is crucial. This will improve the accuracy of the data, which is essential for analysis and strategic decision-making.
  • Focusing on the customer experience, especially in resolving disputed transactions, is vital for maintaining customer trust and loyalty. Addressing these issues promptly and effectively can lead to higher customer satisfaction, repeat usage, and positive word-of-mouth, which are critical for long-term success.

Findings from the Dashboard:

  • The dashboard reveals that the total amount collected from 100,000 trips amounted to $1.6 million, with an average fare amount of $13.3 per trip.
  • Most trips, specifically 66%, were paid using credit cards, indicating a strong preference for digital payment methods among users.
  • The analysis also highlights that the average trip distance is 3 miles, suggesting most rides are short. JFK area shows higher fare rates, indicating it as a key revenue-generating zone.
  • The payment disputes are minimal, which suggests satisfactory transaction processes for most rides, although there is room for improvement in customer service regarding disputed transactions.

Recommended Analysis Questions:

  1. What is the distribution of payment types across different geographic locations?

    • Answer: The majority of payments are made via credit card, especially in urban areas. Areas with limited digital infrastructure might show higher cash transactions, suggesting a focus area for promoting digital payment adoption.
  2. How does the average fare amount vary between different rate codes?

    • Answer: JFK has the highest fare rates due to longer distances or premium service charges. Comparing these to standard rates or negotiated fares can reveal pricing strategy effectiveness.
  3. What is the correlation between trip distance and total fare amount?

    • Answer: There is a direct correlation between trip distance and fare amount, with longer trips generating higher revenues. This relationship can help in setting distance-based pricing strategies.
  4. Which areas have the highest frequency of rides and how can this information be used to optimize fleet distribution?

    • Answer: Areas like JFK show high ride frequencies, suggesting a need for better fleet management and availability in these zones to reduce wait times and improve service response.
  5. What are the common characteristics of trips that end in payment disputes?

    • Answer: Analyzing trips that end in disputes can help identify potential issues in payment processes or customer dissatisfaction, leading to focused improvements in service or clarification in fare calculations.

Skills: Looker , LookML, BigQuery, SQL, Report Building, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Compute Engine, Mage AI Pipeline, Cloud Storage

Dataset: https://tinyurl.com/yfuve2ta

Google Colob: Uber.ipynb

Link To Looker Studio: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/d81efaf1-965d-4562-a162-aeffbc779fd6/page/qX7yD

Youtube: https://youtu.be/Ynj_9kuSUSc?si=UYIDJkwFmoDG7AtO

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