Pizza Sales Analysis Dashboard

Pizza Sales Analysis Dashboard

About this project

The "Pizza Sales Analysis Dashboard" is a comprehensive data visualization tool developed using Power BI Desktop. It provides insights into the sales performance of a pizza store.

Here are the key components:

Sales Overview: The report presents a detailed overview of the store's revenue. Total revenue from pizza sales amounts to 817.9K, reflecting the financial performance of the store in terms of sales.

Quantity Sold: A total of 48,621 pizzas were sold during the analyzed period, indicating the volume of pizzas sold by the store. This metric aids in understanding customer demand and optimizing inventory management.

Total Orders: The store received 21,350 orders, showcasing the frequency of transactions within the specified timeframe.

Average Pizzas per Order: On average, customers ordered 2.32 pizzas per transaction. Understanding this average helps in assessing customer behavior and optimizing pricing strategies.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Charts:

1. Orders by Day: Visualizes the distribution of orders over each day within the analyzed period.

2. Orders by Month: Illustrates the trend of orders over months, providing insights into seasonal variations.

3. % Sale by Pizza Category: Displays the contribution of each pizza category to total sales in percentage terms.

4. % Pizza Sale by Pizza Size: Highlights the distribution of pizza sales based on different sizes.

5. Pizza Category Performance: Analyzes the sales performance of different pizza categories, aiding in identifying popular choices among customers.

Power BI Second Page - Comparative Analysis:

To further enhance decision-making, the second page of the dashboard provides comparative analysis through six additional charts:

1. Top Best Performing Pizza Sales: Identifies the pizzas with the highest sales figures, helping to understand customer preferences and popular menu items.

2. Top Best Performing Pizza by Quantity: Highlights pizzas that are sold in the highest quantities, indicating popular choices among customers.

3. Top Best Performing Pizza by Order: Shows the pizzas that are ordered most frequently, providing insights into customer preferences and demand.

4. Top Bottom Pizza Sales: Highlights pizzas with both the highest and lowest sales figures, aiding in identifying both popular and underperforming menu items.

5. Top Bottom Pizza by Quantity: Analyzes pizzas with both the highest and lowest quantities sold, offering insights into customer preferences and market demand.

6. Top Bottom Pizza Sale by Orders: Illustrates pizzas with both the highest and lowest number of orders, providing insights into customer preferences and popularity.

Project Goals:

Performance Evaluation: Assess the sales performance of the pizza store based on revenue, quantity sold, and order frequency.

Strategic Decision-Making: Utilize data-driven insights to make informed decisions regarding inventory management, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts.

Forecasting and Planning: Leverage historical sales data to forecast future trends, enabling effective planning for inventory, promotions, and staffing.

Meaningful Insights:

Popular Pizza Choices: Identify the top-performing pizza categories and sizes to focus marketing efforts and inventory stocking accordingly.

Sales Trends: Analyze sales trends by day, month, and category to uncover patterns and make proactive adjustments to business strategies.

Customer Behavior: Understand customer preferences by examining average pizzas per order and adjust offerings to meet demand effectively.

This comprehensive analysis empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions and drive the success of the pizza store.

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