Credit Card Financial Report

Credit Card Financial Report

About this project

The "Credit Card Financial Report" is a comprehensive analysis of credit card transactions created using Power BI Desktop. It aims to provide insights into financial performance, customer behavior, and risk management within the credit card ecosystem. Here are the key components:

Project Goals:

  1. Financial Performance: Analyze credit card transactions to gain insights into revenue, interest earned, and total transaction volume, guiding financial strategies.
  2. Customer Behavior: Understand spending patterns, preferences, and transaction trends to inform business strategies and improve customer satisfaction.

Meaningful Insights:

  1. Seasonal Trends: Explore seasonal variations in transaction volumes to adjust marketing campaigns accordingly.
  2. Customer Segmentation: Visualize customer segments based on age, location, and spending habits to tailor promotions and loyalty programs.
  3. Fraud Detection: Detect unusual patterns or sudden spikes in transactions to identify potential fraudulent activity.
  4. Interest Earnings: Visualize interest earned from credit card balances to understand its contribution to overall revenue.
  5. Income Group: Segments customers based on income levels to tailor marketing strategies effectively.
  6. Revenue by State: Visualizes revenue across different states to gain insights into regional performance.
  7. Age Group: Analyzes customer age groups to guide targeted promotions and product offerings.
  8. House and Car Ownership: Understands ownership status to inform customer preferences.
  9. Personal Loan Information: Detects patterns related to personal loans to impact credit card usage.
  10. Monthly Revenue Trends: Tracks revenue trends over time to highlight seasonality and growth opportunities.
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