Variance-focused MavenTech Sales Report

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Variance-focused MavenTech Sales Report

MavenTech Sales Report

About this project


Hi, I'm Adrian, and Welcome to my MavenTech Sales Report! This interactive dashboard aims to be a practical/minimal reference for Sales Personnel.

  • Most of the elements in this report has been inspired by IBCS best practices and this (earth-shattering) video from Power BI Park
  • The key feature of this report is its use of (arbitrary) budgets to benchmark quarterly performance. In my experience working with Sales, they mostly focus on quotas and some minor performance metrics and less about overall trend and QoQ changes.
  • I wanted to provide the user all the information they need at a quick glance, therefore intereactiveness was limited to simple filters, page navigation, and tooltips only.

The dashboard is comprised of 3 parts: Management View, Team View 1, and Team View 2.

Section 1: Management View


Management view is made for checking Sales Performance on a Sales Manager and Executive Level. The main focus of this page is to see Closed Sales and its absolute and relative change from budget. Other performance metrics have been made available as well at the left-hand side, namely:

  • Price Variance% - Relative Difference of Final Sales Price to original declared price
  • Days to Close - Count of Days from Engagement date to Close date
  • Win% - Wins/Total Count of Closed Opportunities

Taken all together, these should inform the managers (or their superiors) how consistent they are on hitting their budgets, how well they may or may not be hitting said budgets, and how well they are performing on other sales facets that can aid in improving their overall sales figures.

All visuals are supported by tooltips for clarity and thoroughness :


Section 2: Team View 1


The Team View 1 section takes the same structure as Management View but applies it to the agent level (if it ain't broke, amirite?). Like managers, agents have their own respective budgets and are expected to meet these targets.

This section should inform the manager which of their employees are helping or hurting their quarterly bonuses (hehe).

Section 3: Team View 2


Team View 2 is meant to supplement Team View 1. Now that managers know how well their agents are doing overall, this section should give an idea on how to coach them.

The page acts somewhat as a funnel that can be used to find what is going right or wrong for the individual sales agents based on what they're selling and how they're selling it. This is accomplished by highlighting the best and worst performers per product series, per metric. The manager should find the answers to the following questions here: Are they creating enough opportunities? Are they focusing on the right product? Are the winning enough?

I hope you enjoyed viewing this project as much as I enjoyed making it. Thanks!

Connect with me in LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-emmanuel-ramos-604332b4/

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