Market Entry Analysis: Coffee Shop in the US

Tools used in this project
Market Entry Analysis: Coffee Shop in the US

Power BI Report

About this project

This analysis delves into customer survey data, acting as a powerful medium to understand the target audience's demographics, coffee preferences, and spending habits. By leveraging these insights, we can design a coffee shop experience that caters directly to our ideal customers and positions us for success in the competitive coffee market.

Data Source and Credibility:

The foundation of this analysis is a CSV file containing customer survey responses from The Great American Coffee Taste Test. It is to be noted that only 5000 people participated in this survey and the primary medium of finding out about the survey was Youtube. The data is skewed and is used with caution.

Data Cleaning and Transformation:

The data was meticulously cleaned to ensure accuracy and then transformed into separate relational tables for deeper exploration.

Biases and Limitations: The Great American Coffee Taste Test participants may not represent the entire demographic of our target audience. Future surveys tailored to our local market might be beneficial to gain even deeper customer insights.

Additional Considerations:

  • Local Market Research: Further research or surveys tailored to our local market might be beneficial to gain even deeper customer insights.
  • Competition: Understanding the competitive landscape is essential for a successful launch. Researching existing coffee shops in the area will help us identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to differentiate our offerings and cater to unmet customer needs.
Discussion and feedback(8 comments)
Cheshta Beniwal
Cheshta Beniwal
4 months ago
The flow of data representation was logical and created a pleasant viewing experience.

Alisha Deb
Alisha Deb
4 months ago
Neil, your power dashboards are incredibly impressive! As someone new to this field, I'm curious about your dataset cleaning and analysis methods. Would love to learn more from your expertise.

Gerard Duggan
Gerard Duggan
4 months ago
This is something else, a nice flow through the report, building the selected criteria along the way. Loved the Starbucks analysis and visuals!

Shraddha Shetty
Shraddha Shetty
4 months ago
Impressive dashboard design and creative way of putting forth the insights
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