I worked on analyzing raw sales data for December from a community pharmacy to identify trends and provide valuable insights for the pharmacy. A community pharmacy, also known as a retail pharmacy, is the most common type of pharmacy that offers the public access to medications and health advice. These pharmacies typically offer a range of pharmaceutical services, including dispensing, point-of-care tests, consultations, and complementary products and services in their supermarket section.
I used the following steps in analyzing the data:
Data cleaning
The raw data was extracted from the company’s software in an Excel format, so I did some of the cleaning in Excel and some finishing touches in PowerBI. The cleaning process involved Editing column headings; and calculations to get the profit made on each sale by subtracting the cost price from the selling price; there were a lot of products so I created categories based on the products on the sheet, divided the products into the following categories: Supermarket, Vitamins & Supplements, Sexual health, Baby & child care, Pain, ENT & Allergy, Skin, and Chronic health; Spelling uniformity for product names etc. Then imported the cleaned data in PowerBi and double-checked it before analysis.
Data analysis + Insights
A picture of the dashboard can be found at the end of this write-up.
The products were categorized into the following:
Supermarket: Non-pharmacy products, wound dressing
Vitamins and Supplements: All the supplements and multivitamins, blood tonics
Sexual health: Condoms, pregnancy test strips, lubricants, and hormone medications
Baby and child care: Children supplements and drugs Pain — Analgesics, antiulcer, muscarinic, and antacids
ENT and Allergy: Ear & Eye drops and allergy medications
Skin: All topical medications
Chronic health: Antihypertensives, Antidiabetics, Anticholesterol/ Lipids, CNS medications
The most profit was generated from the supermarket product (supermarket sales resulted in half of the profit generated, 2.42M), it was also the most sold category. This could be attributed to the time of the month the data was collated, December.
The top 5 pharmacy products generating the most sales include; Vitamins and supplements, Sexual Health, Antibiotics/Antifungal/Antiviral, and Pain. These top 5 pharmacy products were not directly proportional to the quantity sold. That is, the quantity sold does not affect the profit generated for pharmacy products. It was also observed that antihypertensives were sold the highest.