Tableau Superstore Dashboard

Tableau Superstore Dashboard


About this project


The Superstore Analysis is divided between two dashboards. The Dashboard 1 showcases 'Sales Analytics' and Dashboard 2 consists of 'Details Report'.

Dashboard 1

  • Dashboard 1 (Sales Analytics) showcases various visualizations that analyses the trend of sales in Superstore.

Bar Chart : It displays Category wise sales where 'Technology' marks the highest number of sales among Furniture and Office Supplies.

Donut Chart : The Donut chart showcases segment wise sales where 'Consumer' account for highest number of sales among Home Office and Corporate

Bar Chart : It presents 'Top 5 selling products'

Area Chart : It demonstrates monthly sales trend across various years.

Dashboard 2

Dashboard 2(Details Report) showcases the Sales Chart categorized by 'Customer ID' and 'Customer Name'.It also consists of several columns such as 'Order ID', 'Product ID', 'Category', 'Sub-Category', and Statistical details.

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