About this project


The goal of this project is to gain insight into bike sales demographics. The final Dashboard compares whether a bike was purchased, based on Income, Age, Occupation, or Commute Time. These results can also be filtered by Marital Status, Region, and/or Education.


  1. I downloaded the raw data, provided by Alex.

undefinedRaw Data

  1. I converted all the "M" entries in the Marital column to "Married", using Find and Replace.

  2. I converted all the "S" entries in the Marital column to "Single", using Find and Replace.

  3. I used the same process for the Gender column to convert "M" >>> "Male" and "F" >>> "Female".

  4. I created a new column, called "Age Brackets".

  5. In this column, I took the value from the "Age" column and converted it into either "Adolescent" (Age<31), "Middle Aged" (31 <= Age <=54), or "Old" (Age > 54).

  6. After creating a Pivot Table using the data in the "Commute Distance" column, I realized that I needed to go back and change "10+ Miles" >>> "More Than 10 Miles" for the resulting Chart to be organized in a logical order.

  7. This completed my Data Cleaning Process.

undefinedCleaned Data

  1. I created 4 Pivot Tables.

  2. The first Pivot Table outputs the Average Income of Customers, separated by Gender and whether they bought a bike.

  3. The second Pivot Table outputs the number of Customers, separated by Commute Distance and whether they bought a bike.

  4. The third Piot Table outputs the number of Customers, separated by Age Brackets and whether they bought a bike.

  5. The fourth Pivot Table outputs the number of Customers, separated by Occupation and whether they bought a bike.

undefinedPivot Table Data

  1. After I created the Pivot Tables above, I created a Visualization Chart for each.

  2. I added these Visualization Charts to a Dashboard, adding a Title and aligning the Charts to look orderly.

undefinedDashboard - Default

  1. Then, I added 3 Slicers (filters) to make the Dashboard interactive. These Slicers are "Marital Status", "Region", and "Education". These will help the user to drill down to the data they are looking for by selecting options from any of the categories.

undefinedDashboard - Interactive

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