Udemy Data Challenge - Onyx Data January 2024

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Udemy Data Challenge - Onyx Data January 2024

Udemy Data Challenge January 2024 - Onyx Data

About this project

Happy Wednesday! 😊 This is my submission to the Onyx Data January 2024 Udemy Dataset Challenge. Thank you for this amazing challenge!

Here are my insights:

  1. 243K Total Revenue.

  2. 148K Lectures.

  3. 575K Reviews.

  4. 12 Million Subscribers.

  5. 4k Courses.

  6. Revenue per Year with a trend line (Lollipop Visualization): this viz can be drilled through if we stand with the mouse on one of the lollipops for a certain year and right click, ‘Detail’ and a detailed grid for that year appears (there is a back button to go back on the top left corner of the screen).

  7. Revenue by Subject (Lollipop Chart Visualization) with an average line.

  8. Revenue by Level (Line Chart Visualization) with an average line.

  9. A Grid with the following information from the dataset for the users to explore:

  10. Filters: Year, Level, Subject, Price.

  11. A grid with the following information from the dataset for the users to explore: Title, Price, Level, Subject, Duration, Subscribers, Paid, Lectures, Reviews, URL, Year, Quarter, Month, Day.

Thanks for reading!

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