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Motor Vehicle Thefts in New Zealand - Power BI

Power BI report

About this project

Welcome to the Motor Vehicle Thefts Analysis Report, presenting insights derived from six months of data from the New Zealand Police Department's Vehicle of Interest Database. With 4,707 records and 14 fields, this report investigates patterns in stolen vehicles, addressing key questions surrounding the day of the week for theft occurrences, the most and least targeted vehicle types, average vehicle age variations, and regional theft disparities.

Data Overview:

  • Source: New Zealand Police
  • License: Public Domain
  • Date Added: 10/30/2023
  • Number of Records: 4,707
  • Number of Fields: 14
  • Data Structure: Multiple tables

Analysis Focus:

  • Day of the Week: Identify peak and off-peak days for vehicle theft incidents.
  • Vehicle Types: Uncover the most and least stolen vehicle types and regional variations.
  • Average Age: Examine the average age of stolen vehicles, considering variations by vehicle type.
  • Regional Insights: Highlight regions with the highest and lowest vehicle thefts and explore regional characteristics.


  • This report aims to offer actionable insights for law enforcement, policymakers, and the public, contributing to a better understanding of motor vehicle theft in New Zealand. Based on data as of 10/30/2023, these findings are presented for informative purposes, aiming to support more effective preventive measures and interventions.


  • The report relies on data available as of 10/30/2023, sourced from the New Zealand Police and released under the Public Domain license.

Thank you for your interest. Let's explore the intricacies of Motor Vehicle Theft together.

Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Alice Zhao
Alice Zhao
6 months ago
Love the in-depth analysis that you did here! The color highlighting you used was also very effective. Well done!

Vishnu Sarath Sivakumar
Vishnu Sarath Sivakumar
Project owner
6 months ago
Project owner
Your appreciation means a lot to me and will further inspire me to improve my skills. Thank you, Alice!
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