Optimizing Agricultural Production

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Optimizing Agricultural Production

About this project

Optimizing Agricultural Production

Problem Statement:

Build a predictive model to suggest the most suitable crops to grow based on the available climatic and soil conditions


Achieve Precision Farming by Optimizing the Agricultural Production

About the Dataset:

This dataset will help in recommending the crop for the suitable soil. This will be very useful in Optimizing Agricultural Production.

Variable Names and their Uses:

Nitrogen is one of the chemical elements that become a part of amino acids. Plants synthesize nitrogen from soils along with other primary elements and turn them into amino acids. These chemical compounds are utilized by plants to increase the production and quality of crops.

Phosphorus plays a major role in the growth of new tissue and division of cells. Plants perform complex energy transmissions, a function that requires phosphorus.

Potassium is a paramount macro-element for the overall survival of living things. It is an abundant mineral macronutrient present in both plant and animal tissues. It is necessary for the proper functionality of all living cells.

Temperature: Germination is a miraculous event that involves several factors including air, water, light, and, of course, temperature. Germination increases in higher temperatures – up to a point. Once the seeds reach optimum temperatures, which depends on the plant, germination begins to decline.

The pH range of 5.5–6.5 is optimal for plant growth as the availability of nutrients is optimal. Besides disease, rainfall can also determine how fast a crop will grow from seed, including when it will be ready for harvesting. A good balance of rain and proper irrigation can lead to, which can cut down on germination time and the length between seeding and harvest


Data Collection and Cleaning: Gathered and processed raw data, ensuring accuracy and consistency for analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Conducted thorough EDA using Python and statistical methods to derive actionable insights and identify patterns.

Model Development and Optimization: Built and fine-tuned machine learning models (e.g., regression, classification) using Scikit-Learn, optimizing for performance.

Validation and Testing: Rigorously tested models using cross-validation techniques, ensuring robustness and reliability.

Key Insights:

1. Crops and Nutrient Requirements:

• Certain crops have distinct requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

• Cotton requires the most nitrogen, while apples and grapes demand the highest phosphorus and potassium, respectively.

2. Climate and Soil Preferences:

• Different crops have varying preferences for temperature, humidity, pH, and rainfall.

• Papaya and mango require high temperatures, while coconut needs a humid climate.

• Chickpeas thrive in higher pH soils, whereas rice demands significant rainfall.

3. Seasonal Crop Recommendations:

• Identified crops suitable for different seasons:

- Summer Crops: Pigeonpeas, mothbeans, mango, grapes, orange, papaya.

- Winter Crops: Maize, lentil, pomegranate, grapes, orange.

- Rainy Crops: Rice, papaya, coconut.

4. Outliers and Data Distribution:

• Outliers are present across the dataset affecting nutrient levels and climatic conditions.

• Visualizations highlight the distribution and variability of data attributes.

5. Clustering Analysis:

• Implemented K-means clustering to group crops based on similar conditions.

• Identified clusters with crops having comparable requirements for optimal growth.


1. Precision Farming Strategies:

• Employ precision farming techniques based on identified nutrient and climatic requirements for different crops.

2. Crop-Specific Planning:

• Farmers should plan crops based on seasonal and regional suitability for better yields.

3. Outlier Management:

• Address outliers in the dataset to ensure accurate predictive modeling.

4. Machine Learning Application:

• Deploy machine learning models to predict suitable crops for given soil and climatic conditions.

5. Further Research:

• Explore advanced techniques to handle outliers and improve predictive accuracy.

Implementing these recommendations can significantly enhance agricultural productivity and assist farmers in making informed decisions based on climatic and soil conditions.


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gyan-ashish/

Email: gyanashish753@gmail.com

Thank you!

Additional project images

These graphs confirm that there are outliers present in the data. Also it helps us understand the overall distribution of the dataset
The classes are balanced. Accuracy would be a good metric.
Confusion Matrix for Logistic Regression
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