Tools used in this project
Maven Market

About this project

Embarking on a transformative journey, our Power BI project navigates the dynamic landscape of a multinational grocery chain with retail locations spanning Canada, Mexico, and the United States.


  1. Sales Optimization: Delve into the sales performance of each store and region to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
  2. Inventory Excellence: Fine-tune inventory management by assessing total transaction, total profit, profit margin and returned rate.
  3. Customer Insight Mastery: Understand and segment customer behavior to tailor marketing strategies and enhance customer engagement.
  4. Supply Chain Mastery: Optimize the supply chain by analyzing distribution networks, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring seamless cross-border operations.

Strategic Focus:

  • Cross-Border Dynamics: Uncover trends and nuances across the diverse markets of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Localization Strategies: Tailor offerings and marketing messages to align with the unique preferences and cultural contexts of each region.
  • Operational Efficiency: Identify and address inefficiencies in logistics, staffing, and store operations for enhanced overall efficiency.
  • Market Expansion: Evaluate potential market expansions and new store openings based on thorough analyses of market trends and demographics.

Outcome: Our project aims to equip the grocery chain with actionable insights for strategic planning, operational enhancement, and customer-centric decision-making. Through Power BI's dynamic visualizations, stakeholders gain a holistic view of the business, fostering informed decisions that drive growth, efficiency, and sustained success in the highly competitive multinational grocery landscape.

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