Navigating Canadian House Market

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Navigating Canadian House Market

About this project

Embarking on a data-driven exploration of Canada's real estate landscape, our Power BI project delves into key provinces, revealing nuanced insights from 2020 to 2021. Our goals center on understanding the changing dynamics in housing markets, pinpointing trends, and providing valuable insights for stakeholders.

Business Needs:

  1. Market Analysis: Businesses involved in real estate, whether as developers, investors, or real estate agencies, require comprehensive market analysis. This project provide insights into average house prices, trends, and regional disparities.
  2. Investment Opportunities: Investors seeking to capitalize on real estate opportunities need information on areas with potential for growth. This project identify provinces or regions where property prices are increasing or where there may be untapped potential.
  3. Policy Decision Support: Policymakers and government agencies involved in housing and urban planning need data to formulate effective policies. This project can provide insights into housing affordability, population dynamics, and regional variations to support policy decisions.
  4. Community Development: For businesses with a focus on community development, insights into population growth and median family income can guide efforts to create thriving and sustainable communities.
  5. Customer Insights: Real estate agencies catering to individual buyers and sellers need insights into market conditions to guide clients effectively. This project can offer valuable information for clients making decisions on buying or selling properties.


Uncover trends, patterns, and regional disparities in average house prices across Canadian provinces.

Identify provinces or regions with substantial potential for real estate growth, allowing investors to make informed decisions.

Provide policymakers and government agencies with data-driven insights to support the formulation of effective housing and urban planning policies.

Guide businesses focusing on community development by offering insights into population growth and median family income.

Potential discoveries:

British Columbia has the highest average house price increases from 2020 to 2021, indicating areas of robust real estate market growth.

New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland has untapped potential for real estate growth, providing valuable growth for investors seeking lucrative opportunities.

Ontario has significant population growth, offering valuable information for businesses focused on community development.

Presented market conditions, enabling real estate agencies to provide tailored advice to clients based on specific provinces or regions.

Evaluated the overall health of the Canadian real estate market by considering average house price trends and regional disparities.

Data: Canada Real Estate (kaggle.com)

Canadian house prices for top cities (kaggle.com)

Canadian Provinces by Population 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)

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