Motor Vehicle Thefts Analysis

Tools used in this project
Motor Vehicle Thefts Analysis

Power BI Dashboard

About this project


Working as a data analyst for nz police department to help in awareness about motor vehicle theft.


Dig into stolen vehicle database to find details on when, which, and where vehicles are most likely to be stolen


When, Which and Where vehicles are most likely to be stolen

-- Database consist of 3 tables




Data Explorations:

We can find insights by solving the questions

1. Finding out the data range in the given datasetundefined 2.Find the number of vehicles stolen each year

undefined3. .Find the number of vehicles stolen each monthundefined

We can understand that month wise there is an increase in theft. But in 2022 April there is a decline in theft, so need to deep dive into april 2022

undefinedby looking at the pattern we can say on april month of 2022 we count only 6 days, Basically theft increasing only

  1. Analysing the patterns with replaced number values for day of the week




WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 1 THEN 'sunday'

WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 2 THEN 'monday'

WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 3 THEN 'tuesday'

WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 4 THEN 'wednesday'

WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 5 THEN 'thursday'

WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 6 THEN 'friday'

WHEN DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) = 7 THEN 'saturday'

END AS dayof_week,




GROUP BY DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) , dayof_week

ORDER BY DAYOFWEEK(date_stolen) , dayof_week




While checking the data we can see that on sundays and saturdays theft values are less and high on mondays and tuesdays

Exploring the vehicle type, age, luxury vs standard and color fields in the stolen_vehicles table to identify which vehicles are most likely to be stolen

5.Find the vehicle types that are most often and least often stolen


vehicle_type, COUNT(vehicle_id) AS number_of_theft FROM stolen_vehicles

GROUP BY vehicle_type ORDER BY COUNT(vehicle_id) ASC;

least stolen : special purpose vehicle

most stolen : Stationwagon

6.For each vehicle type, find the average age of the cars that are stolen SELECT vehicle_type,

AVG(YEAR(date_stolen) - model_year) FROM stolen_vehicles

GROUP BY vehicle_type;undefined/* Create a table where the rows represent the top 10 vehicle types, the columns represent the top 7 vehicle colors

(plus 1 column for all other colors) and the values are the number of vehicles stolen */

SELECT color, COUNT(vehicle_id) AS number_of_theft

FROM stolen_vehicles

GROUP BY color ORDER BY number_of_theft DESC


create temporary table color





when color = 'Silver' then 'Silver'

when color = 'White' then 'White'

when color = 'Black' then 'Black'

when color = 'Blue' then 'Blue'

when color = 'Red' then 'Red'

when color = 'Grey' then 'Grey'

when color = 'Green' then 'Green'

else 'Other' end as colour

from stolen_vehicles ;



COUNT(vehicle_id) AS number_of_theft,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Silver' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS SILVER,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'White' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS White,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Black' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS Black,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Blue' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS Blue,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Red' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS Red,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Grey' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS Grey,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Green' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS Green,

COUNT(CASE WHEN colour = 'Other' THEN vehicle_id ELSE NULL END) AS Other

FROM color

GROUP BY vehicle_type

ORDER BY number_of_theft DESC


Remaining steps added in additional images....


Most densly populated city Auckland is the most targeted city by thieves

Workdays like monday and tuesday are most likely to happen a theft

Sundays and Saturdays are least likely to stole a vehicle

Most luxury cars are of the categories convertible and sports vehicle


1.Improve surveillance and security measures in high-risk regions; run awareness campaigns there.

2.Be cautious to use extra caution on Monday and Tuesday.

3.Promote the use of new technology and mandate that all cars have real-time GPS installed.

4.The automobiles that are being targeted are under ten years old, so please be mindful of this.

Same analysis also done via POWER BIundefined

Additional project images

Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Alice Zhao
Alice Zhao
8 months ago
Love the combo of SQL and PowerBI on this project, especially the map showing total thefts by region. Nice work!
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