Tools used in this project
Revenue Insights

About this project

This data analysis project focuses on unraveling the revenue performance of five stores across nine countries over a span of two years.

The findings showcase January as the peak month in revenue, while September records the lowest.

Quarter1 emerges as the highest revenue quarter, contrasting with Quarter3 as the lowest.

The year 2016 outshines 2015 in revenue performance.

Noteworthy is the dominance of smartphones in revenue, with laptops ranking the lowest.

Regionally, Asia leads in revenue, while the USA lags behind.

Among the stores, Store1 claims the highest revenue share at 49%, with Store2 at the lowest with 4%.

Gender-wise, males contribute 83% of the revenue, surpassing females at 17%.

Furthermore, the top 3 sales reps collectively generate 42% of the total revenue.

This comprehensive analysis aims to provide valuable insights for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

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