Road Accident Analysis.Pt1 (SQL)

Tools used in this project
Road Accident Analysis.Pt1 (SQL)

About this project

The analysis reveals that the number of accidents in urban areas is higher than in rural areas, urging stakeholders to prioritize urban safety measures.undefined

Additionally, accidents peak on weekdays compared to weekends, suggesting a need for increased focus on weekdays for accident reduction initiatives.undefined

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With higher accident rates in July and September, stakeholders are advised to concentrate efforts during these months.undefined

Notably, accidents involving cars surpass those with other vehicle categories, signaling a necessity for heightened attention to car-related safety measures.undefined

Furthermore, the data indicates that older age groups experience more accidents, emphasizing the importance of focusing on older vehicles.undefined

Lastly, the insight that accidents are more frequent in sunny weather conditions implies that snow or rain might not significantly contribute to accidents, directing stakeholders to consider other factors in weather-related safety efforts.undefined

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