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Road Accident Analysis

About this project

This comprehensive analysis of accident patterns unveils key insights crucial for targeted safety initiatives.

Accidents exhibit peak occurrences at 5 PM and 8 AM, emphasizing the urgency for targeted reduction initiatives during these times. Conversely, 4 AM is identified as the safest hour.

Fridays witness heightened accident rates, urging a focused approach on this day, while Sundays emerge as the safest.

Notably, November holds a higher accident rate, making February the safest month, prompting stakeholders to concentrate efforts during November.

The year 2021 recorded a higher accident rate, warranting increased attention to safety measures.

Examining incident severity distribution exposes that slight accidents dominate at 84%, surpassing serious (14%) and fatal (2%) incidents.

Remarkably, accidents involving cars constitute 80%, underscoring the imperative for heightened attention to car-related safety measures.

The observation that accidents are more frequent in sunny weather conditions suggests that factors beyond snow or rain significantly contribute to accidents, prompting stakeholders to broaden considerations in weather-related safety efforts.

Moreover, the analysis indicates that the number of casualties is highest on single carriageways in comparison to other road types, emphasizing the need for targeted safety measures on such roads.

Contrary to expectations, visibility appears to have a limited impact on accidents, as the majority, at 73%, occurred in daylight , surpassing the occurrence in darkness, which accounted for 27%.

The analysis also underscores that urban areas contribute to 61% of accidents, urging stakeholders to prioritize safety measures in this areas.

Additionally, accidents on dry roads outnumber those in wet or snowy conditions, indicating a minimal impact on accident rates in adverse weather.

These results offer essential insights for customizing safety strategies according to distinct visibility, urban, and weather circumstances.

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