Social Buzz' Social Media Content Analysis (Accenture Job Simulation on Forage Data Analytics and Visualization )

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Social Buzz' Social Media Content Analysis (Accenture Job Simulation on Forage Data Analytics and Visualization )

About this project

Problem: The client has reached a massive scale within recent years and does not have the resources internally to handle it.

Solution Step-by-Step

1. Requirements gathering

The first step is to use this data model to identify which datasets will be required to answer the business question - which is to figure out the top 5 categories with the largest popularity.

2. Data cleaning

It is a common and very important task when working with data. Clean the data by a)removing rows that have values that are missing b)changing the data type of some values within a column, and c)removing columns that are not relevant to this task.

3. Data modeling

a. Create a final data set by merging your three tables

    - The Reaction table is the base table, then first join the relevant columns from your Content data set, and then the Reaction Types data set.
    - Hint: Preferably use the “Index Match” formula

b. Figure out the Top 5 performing categories

    - Add up the total scores for each category.
    - Hint: Use Pivot Table

The result should be one spreadsheet which contains:

    - A cleaned dataset
    - The top 5 categories

4. Data visualization

  • Choosing the data visualizations that best support the story I want to tell to the client.
  • Creating a PowerPoint presentation that reports on the client’s content performance.

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