Sales Dashboard - Power BI Report

Tools used in this project
Sales Dashboard - Power BI Report

About this project

This Power BI sales dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of key sales metrics, including total sales, total profit, total cost, and profit margin. The dashboard is designed to be easy to use and understand, with clear visuals and concise insights.


  • India is the top-selling country, generating $138 million in sales, followed by the USA at $136 million and UK at $131 million.
  • Kaine Padly is the top salesperson, achieving $263,376 in sales, followed by Andrea Kimpton at $247,723 and Husein Augar at $243,231.
  • Manuka Honey is the top-selling product, generating $404,544 in sales, followed by Choco Bars at $400,253 and Caramel Stuffed Bars at $399,343.
  • Sales have been steadily increasing over the past three months, with a total of $8.2 million in sales in May 2021 compared to $5.2 million in January 2021.

Key takeaways:

  • The dashboard highlights the importance of focusing sales efforts on India, the USA, and UK due to their high sales and profit potential.
  • Sales managers should prioritize promoting top-selling products like Manuka Honey, Choco Bars, and Caramel Stuffed Bars to maximize revenue.
  • Recognizing and rewarding top performers like Kaine Padly, Andrea Kimpton, and Husein Augar can motivate the sales team and drive further performance improvements.
  • Continued sales growth suggests a positive overall sales trend, but ongoing monitoring is crucial to identify and address any potential challenges.


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