Covid -19 Data Analysis

About this project

A COVID-19 data analysis project in Tableau could encompass various aspects and stages. Here's an overview of the project:(https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/eliena.jose/viz/Covid_analysis_16986512358850/Covid_analysis)

1. Data Gathering:

Data Collection: Obtained COVID-19 datasets from a reputable source.

Data Structure: Gathered data on cases, deaths, testing, vaccinations, demographics, and geographical details.

2. Data Preparation:

Data Cleaning: Cleansed the data by handling missing values, resolving inconsistencies, and formatting data types correctly.

Data Integration: Merged multiple datasets by aligning them based on common attributes (date, region).

3. Visualization Creation:

Time Series Analysis: Create time-based visualizations (line charts) to illustrate the trends in cases and to determine the percentage population infected over time.

Geospatial Analysis: Used maps to visualize the geographical distribution of cases, to determine the infection across the world.

Global Numbers : Created a data table containing total numbers of cases, deaths and death percentage.

Bar Graph : Illustrated the fatality distribution across different continents.

4. Dashboard Creation:

Interactive Dashboards: Build comprehensive dashboards that allow users to interact with different visualizations, apply filters, and explore the data dynamically.

Storytelling: Construct a cohesive narrative within the dashboard, guiding users through the data's story and highlighting key insights.

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