About this project

Using DAX measures, I created calculations and aggregations to analyze sales performance across various dimensions such as product categories, regions, and time periods. These measures allowed me to calculate key metrics like total revenue, total sales, and product insights, providing a comprehensive understanding of the sales data.

For better performance the flat file was converted into a star schema model using database concepts, the data was then Cleaned and Shaped in the power query, relationships were built in the data modeling portion, and DAX was used for calculations and functions and end results were used for visualizing the results.

With M codes, I performed data transformations and cleaning operations to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the dataset. I structured the data by extracting, transforming, and loading it into Power BI, enabling seamless integration and analysis.

To enhance the visualization and exploration of the sales data, I utilized the decomposition tree feature in Power BI. This powerful tool enabled me to break down sales performance by different attributes, uncovering the factors driving sales success or identifying areas for improvement.undefinedundefinedundefined

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