Sales Dashboard in Power BI

Tools used in this project
Sales Dashboard in Power BI

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Sales Dashboard

Guided Coursera Project https://www.coursera.org/projects/power-bi-business-intelligence

Date Created: Oct 23, 2023

Tasks Completed:

Task 1: Data Import and Modeling

Data imported from xlsx file which is included in the project files.

Task 2: Relationships and Data Model

Data modeling was done in Power BI model view:


Task 3: Calculated Columns with DAX

  1. Date:
Date = CALENDAR(DATE(2015,1,1), DATE(2020,12,13))

Task 4: Metrics with DAX

  1. Total Sales:
Total Sales = SUMX(Ventas, Ventas[Cantidad] * RELATED(Producto[Precio Actual]))
  1. Total Costs:
Total Costs = SUMX(Ventas, Ventas[Cantidad] * RELATED(Producto[Coste]))
  1. Total Profit:
Total Profit = [Total Sales] - [Total Costs]
  1. Profit Margin:
Profit Margin = DIVIDE([Total Profit], [Total Sales], 0)
  1. Units Sold:
Units Sold = SUM(Ventas[Cantidad])
  1. Total Products:
Total Products = DISTINCTCOUNT(Producto[Product Name])

Task 5: Chart Development

Charts created:

1 map graph.

2 bar charts.

1 line chart.

Task 6: Filters and Interactions between Charts


Task 7: Tables and Matrices

1 table was created with conditional formatting for Total Sales and Profit Margin:


Task 8: Style Configuration

I chose Highrise theme which is a built-in theme in Power BI, and edited all charts to match the theme style.

Task 9: Publishing Reports in Power BI Service

File was publish and is embedded in this page.


Thanks for reading!

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