Call Center & Customer Metrics Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Call Center & Customer Metrics Dashboard


About this project

In this dashboard, I tried to answer the following questions:

  1. Display certain KPIs, including the total number of requests coming in, average customer rating and the percentage of customers providing a rating.

  2. The number of calls responded below, above or in average time.

  3. Were certain days more busier than others. (During analysis, I figured that all days had similar request numbers so there was no significant difference between days with regards to call volume. So, this data is left out of the dashboard.

  4. Provide the request volume for each call center based on each type of response.

  5. Display the states where the requests came from.

  6. Display a visual showing the relationship between customer satisfaction and the response time.

I used Tableau Public for this project. Tableau desktop would provide a better formatting for the final product.

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