Decoding Apple's Green Journey: A Carbon Footprint Analysis on Progress towards Net-Zero

Tools used in this project
Decoding Apple's Green Journey: A Carbon Footprint Analysis on Progress towards Net-Zero

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Note1: Please do wait until the dashboard loads up the data. View this dashboard in browser with 100% zoom level

Note2: The pdf version of the analysis is available here.

Note3: : Direct link to Power BI app view - here.


The project "Decoding Apple's Green Journey" is a brief analysis focusing on Apple's remarkable strides toward sustainability and its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions. It aims to shed light on Apple's progress, assess the organisation's current carbon footprint across its entire value chain and evaluate the challenges faced by Apple in its journey.


This project employs Exploratory and Predictive Data Analysis and uses different valuation metrics to access the efficiency of Apple's strategies. A brief research/study was done in order understand organisation's strategies.

In addition to the data provided by Maven, supplementary carbon footprint data of various products was extracted from Apple's official website - https://www.apple.com/environment/


  1. PowerBI - used for analysis and dash-boarding
  2. Python - data cleaning and predictive analysis.
  3. MongoDB - data storage
  4. MS Excel - simple computations and cleaning

Data Process, Storage and Management:


Repository: https://github.com/UniNash/Apple_Emissions_Analysis.git

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