Apple Goes Green: Tracking the Tech Giant's Carbon Footprint

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Apple Goes Green: Tracking the Tech Giant's Carbon Footprint

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Infographic Title: Apple Goes Green: Tracking the Tech Giant's Carbon Footprint

Color Scheme: Green, White, Black

Main Focus: Apple's progress in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and achieving carbon neutrality by 2030

Data Sources: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Carbon Footprint by Product, and Normalizing Factors


  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    • Apple's greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by 47% from 2015 to 2022.
    • The company's largest source of emissions is its product lifecycle, accounting for 75% of its total emissions.
    • Apple has made significant progress in reducing emissions from its corporate operations, which have decreased by 70% since 2015.
  • Carbon Footprint by Product
    • The iPhone is Apple's product with the largest carbon footprint, accounting for 40% of the company's product lifecycle emissions.
    • Apple has made progress in reducing the carbon footprint of its products. For example, the carbon footprint of the iPhone 14 has been reduced by 10% compared to the iPhone 13.
  • Carbon Removals
    • Apple has invested in a number of carbon removal projects, such as forest conservation and bioenergy.
    • The company's carbon removals have increased from 1 million metric tons of CO2e in 2020 to 5 million metric tons of CO2e in 2023.


Apple has made significant progress in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and is on track to achieve its carbon neutrality pledge by 2030. The company's continued investment in renewable energy, carbon removal projects, and product design will be essential to reaching its goal.

Additional Insights:

  • Apple's Scope 3 emissions, which are emissions from the use of its products, are the company's largest source of emissions. Apple is working to reduce Scope 3 emissions by encouraging customers to use renewable energy and by designing more energy-efficient products.
  • Apple is a member of the RE100, a global initiative of businesses committed to 100% renewable energy. The company has achieved 100% renewable energy for its global corporate operations.
  • Apple is a leader in the development of low-carbon technologies. For example, the company is working on developing a new battery chemistry that uses less cobalt, a material that is mined in environmentally destructive ways.
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