Apple's Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality

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Apple's Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality

About this project

Project Description:

In this project, I delved into an examination of Apple's journey toward carbon neutrality by 2030. As an independent journalist and data visualization enthusiast, my primary aim was to leverage the power of visuals to narrate the story, using text as a supporting element rather than the central focus. To make the information easily comprehensible, I chose an infographic-style presentation.

Key Insights:

  • Apple has made significant progress, reducing their overall carbon footprint by 47.3% through emission reduction and strategic carbon offsetting.

  • As of 2020, Apple’s corporate footprint is carbon neutral.

  • Carbon offsetting in corporate emissions is effective, but there's limited progress in offsetting emissions within the product life cycle.

  • Apple has reduced their gross carbon emissions by 46.3% since 2015, placing them ahead of schedule in pursuit of their goal of a 75% reduction by 2030.

  • Manufacturing remains a substantial contributor, accounting for 65% of gross carbon emissions, while transportation emissions have risen by 46%.

  • Despite the absolute footprint of later models like the iPhone 14 (2022) being larger that older models like the iPhone 6s (2015), their relative carbon intensity is lower due to Apple's emphasis on quality and durability.

  • Carbon emission intensity shows a perfect alignment between Apple’s business objective and sustainability goals.


The question remains: Will Apple achieve carbon neutrality by 2030? Challenges persist, including the need to offset product-related emissions and further reduce emissions from manufacturing. Nevertheless, there are promising signs. Apple's dedication to achieving carbon neutrality for corporate emissions, their commitment to creating high-quality products with relatively lower carbon footprints, and their proven track record of exceeding emission reduction targets ahead of schedule suggest they are on the right path toward their 2030 goal.

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Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Margaret Efron
Margaret Efron
11 months ago
Wow, this is really well done! Congrats, Brenda. What software did you use for the graphics?

Jasmin Simader
Jasmin Simader
10 months ago
I like the design of the repot a lot! Looks great :)
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