Apple´s Pledge of Allegiance to Mother Nature by Ailton Tombia

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Apple´s Pledge of Allegiance to Mother Nature by Ailton Tombia

Apple´s Pledge of Allegiance to Mother Nature

About this project

Design of the Report

This report was mainly designed, using Figma and Power BI.

Header Clock

The Clock was created, by using Deneb and the Vega-Lite Code.

Content of the Report

1. How is the progress over the last 7 Years


In this section i focused on highligthing the progress and the forecast of Apple´s Gas emissions.

1.1 Progress

On the progress, I used a line graph to identify with error bars, the probability of the highest and lowest Gas emissions over the years. To add on, it also shows the Year-To-Year difference of the Gas emissions to check if Apple is showing progress in the decrease of carbon emissions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

1.2 Forecast undefinedAlso in this report you can overview the gas emissions forecast from 2015 until 2022, furthermore it also shows the remaining percentage of emissions, for Apple to achieve the target of carbon neutrality.

2. How is the Baseline Storage Capacity in Relation to the Carbon Footprint?

This section of the report, focuses mainly on Apple´s Baseline Storage increase in order to overcome Carbon footprint over the years. It also Shows How much Baseline Storage has increased in comparison to Carbon footprint. Moreover, it show which products have produced a huge amount of carbon footprint and which products Apple has been able to achieve carbon neutrality over the years.


3. How is the progress in terms of the 3 types of emissions by Apple?

This section briefly describes what are the 3 types of emissions, and specifies with line graphs, how is Apple´s progress in the last 7 years, in each type of Scope.


4. Does the Apple in the Future taste sweet when looking at the Revenue? Has Covid-19 Contributed to the increase in Revenue?

Lastly, this section is all about overviewing Apple´s revenue.


In the section I tried to simplify as much as possible to get a clear understanding of the level of revenue Apple is Generating over the years by taking into consideration Covid-19.

4.1 Market Cap

In the Market cap I decided to calculate the Revenue to Market Cap Ratio (Also known as Price to Sales Ratio) which is Total revenue Divided by the Total Market Cap. This helped in overview the value of the company in terms of investment potential

4.2 Revenue-Per-Employee Ratio

I decided to use this method in order to overvire how efficiently the company utilizes its workforce to generate revenue which is explained in detail in the report. This was done by calculating the Total Revenue by the total of employees in the company.

4.3 Total revenue

This was simply created to overview, the revenue growth overtime.

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