Analyzing Space Missions: A Data-Driven Exploration

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Analyzing Space Missions: A Data-Driven Exploration

About this project

Analyzing Space Missions: A Data-Driven Exploration

Dataset: All space missions from 1957 to August 2022, encompassing essential details such as location, launch date, mission outcome, responsible company, rocket name, cost, and status.

Introduction: I embarked on a fascinating journey to delve into the realm of space missions. Armed with a wealth of data spanning from the inception of space exploration in 1957 to the present day, I undertook a data analysis project that offers profound insights into the evolution of space missions.

Objective: In this analysis, I Cleaned the dataset using "Power Query", Made some calculation using "DAX". I aimed to answer intriguing questions and unravel patterns within the realm of space exploration. The following is a snapshot of what I have uncovered:

Analysis Findings:

  1. Trends in Rocket Launches: Over the decades, I tracked the trajectory of rocket launches, meticulously examining how they have trended across time. I also explored whether the mission success rate has witnessed an upward trend, showcasing the advancements in space technology.
  2. Successful Space Missions by Countries: A deep dive into the dataset allowed me to identify the countries that have excelled in space missions. I investigated whether these achievements have been consistent over time or if there have been shifts in dominance.
  3. The Prolific Rocket: I uncovered fascinating information about the most frequently used rocket for space missions. It's not just about quantity; I also explored whether this rocket remains active in the present day.
  4. Launch Location Patterns: To add an extra layer of analysis, I delved into the launch locations. This segment of the project highlights any discernible patterns and peculiarities in the choices of launch sites over the years.

Conclusion: This project stands as a testament to my journey as a data analysis enthusiast. By analyzing extensive data with the power of tools like Power BI, I have unearthed valuable insights that shed light on the fascinating world of space exploration. The project provides a glimpse into the past, present, and potential future of space missions, all through the lens of data analysis.

My hope is that this project serves as a source of knowledge and inspiration for anyone with a passion for space and data analysis. The stars are no longer out of reach; they are now within the grasp of data-driven exploration.

Power BI Dashboard Interactive File on my (GitHub): https://github.com/Yousef2310/Analyzing-Space-Missions-A-Data-Driven-Exploration

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