Personal Expenses vs. Oklahoma Median Household Income

Tools used in this project
Personal Expenses vs. Oklahoma Median Household Income

About this project

I have been collecting my own personal finance data since 2017. This dashboard is my current expenses versus the median household income in Oklahoma of $51,435. My goal was to eventually use this dashboard as my finance dashboard to track my costs over time and track my savings goals.

The main page of the dashboard shows all of the recorded bills in my dataset aggregated and broken down by categories based on Bank of America's bill categories. The main page shows the MoM % change from the previous month and the most significant bill increase/decrease. The Seasons page breaks down the expenses by month and season. Also, it provides a high-level overview of the costs against the Median yearly salary of a single earner in Oklahoma.

I plan to expand this dashboard by adding a goals page and other expense categories like student loans and savings.

The tools used in the project are Power BI and Excel. Here are some of the DAX functions I used:

  • SUM
  • MAX

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