Telecom Customer Retention - POWER BI

POWER BI Dashboard

About this project

Creating a Telecom Customer Retention Project in Power BI involves visualizing and analyzing data to understand customer behavior, identify churn risks, and develop strategies to retain customers. Below is a step-by-step project description for creating a Telecom Customer Retention dashboard in Power BI:

Step 1: Data Collection and Preparation

Gather relevant data sources such as customer demographics, call logs, billing data, customer complaints, and customer churn history.

Clean and preprocess the data by handling missing values, duplicates, and outliers.

Merge data from various sources to create a unified dataset for analysis.

Step 2: Data Modeling and Transformation

Create a data model by defining relationships between different tables if necessary.

Use Power Query Editor to transform and reshape the data to suit your analysis needs. Common transformations include aggregating call data, calculating customer tenure, and creating customer segments.

Step 3: Customer Segmentation

Segment customers based on demographics, usage patterns, and other relevant factors.

Use visualizations like scatter plots, bar charts, and heatmaps to explore differences in churn rates among segments.

Identify high-value customer segments and those at high risk of churn.

Step 7: Dashboard Creation

Create a Power BI report/dashboard with various visuals, including:

Customer segmentation visuals.

Predictive model results.

Include KPI cards and summary statistics to highlight key insights.

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