HCAHPS Patient Survey Analysis (2015-2023)

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HCAHPS Patient Survey Analysis (2015-2023)

HCAHPS Patient Survey Analysis (2015-2023)

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State Insights

1. Top States with Highest Average Response Pct (2023):

  • Iowa: Iowa has the highest average response percentage at 33.7%, indicating a strong response rate in 2023.

  • Nebraska: Nebraska follows closely with an average response percentage of 36.30%.

2. States with Significant Positive Changes in Response Pct (2015 v 2023):

  • Iowa: Iowa has seen a remarkable increase in response percentage, with a change of 68.7%.

  • Wyoming: Wyoming also experienced substantial growth in response percentage, showing an increase of 115.4%.

  • North Carolina: North Carolina stands out with a positive change of 103.7% in response percentage.

3. States with Significant Negative Changes in Response Pct (2015 v 2023):

  • Massachusetts: Massachusetts had a significant decrease in response percentage, with a change of -73.8%.

  • Ohio: Ohio also shows a substantial decrease in response percentage, with a change of -73.2%.

  • New York: New York has experienced a considerable drop in response percentage, with a change of -58.2%.

4. Other Interesting Observations:

  • Several states, including Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, have seen notable decreases in response percentages.

  • Some states, such as Vermont and Rhode Island, have stable response percentages.

  • States like Idaho, Montana, and Colorado have experienced both positive and negative changes in response percentages.

  • Some states, such as Mississippi (MS), have experienced substantial changes in responding hospitals, both positive and negative.

  • States like Montana (MT) and Wyoming (WY) have made considerable progress in increasing their responding hospitals.

Regional Variations

1. East North Central:

  • Illinois (IL) has the highest "Responding Hospitals Change (2015 v 2023)" at 19%, indicating a significant increase in responding hospitals over this period.

  • Michigan (MI) and Ohio (OH) have also experienced positive changes in responding hospitals.

2. East South Central:

  • Alabama (AL) shows a positive increase in responding hospitals, with a change of 1.2%.

  • Mississippi (MS) experienced a considerable decrease in responding hospitals, with a change of -137.5%.

3. Mid-Atlantic:

  • New Jersey (NJ) and New York (NY) have seen significant decreases in responding hospitals.

  • Pennsylvania (PA) experienced a substantial decrease in responding hospitals.

4. Mountain:

  • Wyoming (WY) shows a significant increase of 200% in responding hospitals, although it started with a low percentage.

  • Montana (MT) and Idaho (ID) also had significant increases in responding Hospitals.

5. New England:

  • New Hampshire (NH) and Vermont (VT) have shown substantial increases in responding Hospitals, with changes of 50% and 200%, respectively.

6. Pacific:

  • Hawaii (HI) has seen a remarkable increase of 300.00% in responding Hospitals.

  • California (CA) has a slight increase of 1.00% in responding Hospitals.

Top Box Avg Insights

1. Regional Variation in Top Box Avg:

  • The "West North Central" region has the highest Top Box Avg at 74.9%, indicating that healthcare Hospitals in this region received the most favorable survey responses.

  • On the other hand, the "Mid-Atlantic" region has the lowest Top Box Avg at 67.3%, suggesting lower satisfaction levels compared to other regions.

  • You can compare regions to identify trends or patterns. For instance, regions in the "West" have higher satisfaction levels compared to regions in the "East."

2. Yearly Change in Top Box Avg:

  • Overall, there has been a decrease in Top Box Avg percentage from "TY Top Box Avg Pct" to "Top Box Avg" for most regions. This indicates a potential decline in satisfaction levels over the years.

  • The "East North Central" region has experienced the largest decrease in Top Box Avg, with a drop of 3.45% from the TY percentage.

3. Variation Among Different Healthcare Providers:

  • Among healthcare provider types, "Nurses" have the highest Top Box Avg percentage, indicating higher satisfaction with nursing care.

  • "Doctors" and "Staff" follow closely behind, while "Hospitals" have the lowest Top Box Avg percentage on average.

4. Comparing 2015 and 2023:

  • Notably, the "West North Central" region has experienced a 0.33% improvement over this period, while the "New England" region has seen a significant decrease of 4.25%.


For Improving Top Box Results:

  1. Focus on Regions with Lower Top Box Avg: Identify regions with lower "Top Box Avg" percentages, such as the "Mid-Atlantic" region with a 67.30% satisfaction rate. Conduct in-depth surveys and assessments in these regions to pinpoint areas for improvement.

  2. Analyze Yearly Changes: Investigate the factors contributing to the decline in "Top Box Avg" percentages over the years. Implement strategies to reverse this trend, especially in regions with significant drops.

  3. Provider-Specific Strategies: Since "Nurses" tend to have the highest "Top Box Avg" percentages, consider sharing best practices among different healthcare providers. Encourage collaboration to improve overall satisfaction.

  4. Benchmarking: Compare your organization's satisfaction levels with regional and national benchmarks. This can help identify areas where your organization lags and opportunities for improvement.

For Improving Response Percentages:

  1. Target Regions with Low Response Percentages: States like Mississippi (MS) with a -137.5% change in responding Hospitals need special attention. Invest in outreach and engagement strategies to increase survey responses in these areas.

  2. Share Success Stories: Highlight states like Wyoming (WY) and New Hampshire (NH), which have made significant improvements in responding Hospitals. Share their success stories and strategies with other states.

  3. Analyze Declining States: Understand the reasons behind the declining response percentages in states like Massachusetts (MA), Ohio (OH), and New York (NY). Consider revising survey methods or incentives to boost participation.

  4. Regional Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among states in the same region to share successful approaches to increase responding Hospitals.

  5. Leverage Technology: Utilize technology, including online surveys and mobile apps, to make it easier for Hospitals to respond to surveys.

  6. Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop with healthcare Hospitals to understand their concerns and address issues that may discourage survey participation.

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