Marketing campaign analysis-Power BI

Marketing campaign analysis-Power BI

About this project


This project, "Marketing Campaign Analysis Using Power BI," was undertaken during my internship with a dynamic startup specializing in mobile app services across the UK, Singapore, USA, Canada, and Australia. My role involved diving deep into their marketing campaign data to extract meaningful insights and optimize strategies.

Project Scope:

  1. Data Cleaning: I meticulously cleaned and prepared the marketing campaign data for analysis. This involved handling missing values, data transformation, and ensuring data integrity.

  2. Data Analysis: Leveraging the capabilities of Power BI, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the marketing campaign details. This encompassed calculating metrics such as total campaign spend and return on investment (ROI).

  3. Data Visualization: Power BI's robust visualization tools allowed me to create interactive dashboards and reports. These visualizations brought key insights to life, making complex data accessible to stakeholders.

Key Insights Delivered:

1. Total Spent vs. Total Return: I provided a clear overview of campaign performance by calculating total expenditure and returns. This enabled the team to assess the cost-effectiveness of their campaigns.

2. Return Percentage by Category: I segmented campaign data by category and calculated return percentages. This helped identify which categories yielded the highest returns and informed future investment decisions.

3. Return by Location: I analyzed returns by geographical location, pinpointing regions with the highest ROI. This insight led to targeted marketing efforts in high-return areas.

4. Global Return Map: I designed a global map visualization showcasing the highest returns by location. This provided a strategic overview for expansion plans.


"Marketing Campaign Analysis Using Power BI" played a pivotal role in enhancing the startup's marketing strategies. The insights generated through data cleaning, analysis, and visualization facilitated informed decision-making, improved ROI, and a more effective allocation of resources. This project highlights the power of data-driven marketing in a competitive global market.

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