2015-2023 HCAHPS Survey Results Dashboard

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2015-2023 HCAHPS Survey Results Dashboard

About this project

This is my submission for the Maven Healthcare Challenge. In this challenge, there are four questions to be answered through data analysis and visualization:

  • Have hospitals' HCAHPS scores improved over the past 9 years?
  • Are there any specific areas where hospitals have made more progress than others?
  • Are there any major areas of opportunity remaining?
  • What recommendations can you make to hospitals to help them further improve the patient experience?

The dashboard is uploaded in Tableau Public and could be accessed via this link: https://public.tableau.com/views/MavenHealthcareChallenge_16924601593070/HCAHPSSurveyDashboard2015-2023?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link.

These are the data stories to give answers to these questions. Note that the scores mentioned are the top-box percentages. Top-box percentages were used to represent the aim to achieve high-class reputation as high responses from respondents mean that they have no doubts about the provided healthcare by the hospitals.

  1. Looking at the period when the highest national scores were recorded, the hospital scores for all measures peaked in 2021. This is an indicator that the hospital scores improved over the years. However, after 2021 (near post-pandemic), the scores dipped and to even some measures, recorded scores were worse than 2015 scores.

  2. This dip could be attributed to the decrease of facilities with responses since 2020. In 2019, there were 4,220 facilities with responses but in 2023, it went down to 4,110. The decreasing response rate since 2015 didn’t help as well. From 30.88% response rate in 2015, the response rate in 2023 was only at 22.89%.

  3. Looking at the highest national scores per measure, there are hospitals that did well in terms of discharge information, communication with doctors, and communication with nurses. The hospitals performed relatively poorly in terms of care transition, quietness of hospital environment, and communication about medicines.

  4. The following are areas that should be checked out first because of more states with decreasing than increasing scores from 2015 until 2023: communication with doctors; responsiveness of hospital staff; communication about medicines; discharge information; cleanliness of hospital; and willingness to recommend the hospital.

  5. If you are looking for model states that could be used as examples, showcasing how they improved their scores, here are the model states for each measure. The choices were based on the highest scores they recorded for each measure, how high was their response rate and number of facilities with responses in 2021, and how their scores trended over the years.

    • Communication with Nurses: North Dakota; South Dakota; Nebraska; Maine; Louisiana
    • Communication with Doctors: North Dakota; Nebraska; South Dakota
    • Responsiveness of Hospital Staff: North Dakota; South Dakota; Kansas; Wyoming; Nebraska
    • Communication about Medicines: South Dakota; Louisiana; North Dakota; Nebraska; Wyoming
    • Discharge Information: Wisconsin; Utah; Idaho; Nebraska; Vermont
    • Case Transition: Kansas; North Dakota; South Dakota; Louisiana; Nebraska
    • Cleanliness of Hospital Environment: Nebraska; Iowa; Kansas; South Dakota; North Dakota
    • Quietness of Hospital Environment: Louisiana; Nebraska; North Dakota
    • Overall Hospital Rating: South Dakota; Nebraska; Iowa; Minnesota; North Dakota
    • Willingness to Recommend the Hospital: South Dakota; Nebraska; Kansas; North Dakota
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