Market Campain Analysis(Google- ads) using Power BI

Market Campain Analysis(Google- ads) using Power BI

About this project

This project was undertaken by our startup company, operating marketing campaigns in countries like the UK, USA, and Singapore. The primary dataset provided included the total cost spend on these campaigns, along with data on the number of visitors, leads generated, interested prospects, and payments made along with dates.

The project involved comprehensive data cleaning, where various tasks such as handling empty values, formatting changes, removing duplicates, and employing DAX functions were performed to ensure data accuracy.

Following data preparation, extensive data analysis was conducted to uncover crucial insights. Key findings included the total overall return on investment, identifying the most profitable campaign, determining the highest percentage of campaign returns, and tracking revenue trends by month.

Moreover, the project included creating data visualizations using Power BI to present these insights in an accessible and actionable manner. This holistic approach enables our company to make informed decisions, optimize budget allocation, and enhance marketing strategies for improved overall performance and profitability.

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