Assess HCAHPS scores to gauge if the survey drives hospitals to enhance care quality.

Tools used in this project
Assess HCAHPS scores to gauge if the survey drives hospitals to enhance care quality.

Power Bi Dashoboard

About this project

I am thrilled to share with you the Maven Healthcare Challenge, a journey into the world of patient experience data, aimed at uncovering invaluable insights that can shape the future of healthcare delivery. The report delves into the effectiveness of surveys as incentives for hospitals to enhance their care standards.

Through meticulous data analysis and visualization, I've uncovered trends and patterns that have the potential to revolutionize the healthcare landscape. The dynamic visualizations in this report bring the data to life, making complex information accessible and actionable.

From identifying areas of improvement to acknowledging successful initiatives, this report is a testament to the power of data-driven decision-making. I'm grateful for the knowledge gained while working on this project and excited to contribute to meaningful change in healthcare.

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