Performance analysis of a health plan

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Performance analysis of a health plan

About this project

Company X manages health plans and adjudicates health claims for the company ABC.

Company ABC requested a performance analysis of their health plan for a period of 6 months.

As Data Analyst working for Company X, I was asked to:

  1. Provide a visual analysis for the company ABC
  2. Provide the following calculations: a. Average number of claims per patient per benefit for 6 months period b. Average paid amount per patient per benefit for 6 months period

The visual analysis is displayed in the picture and it includes:

  • Paid Amount per Month and Benefit
  • Number of Claims per Month
  • Percentage of Claim Status (Paid & Reversal)
  • Quantity of Submission Method

For the calculations:

  • The average number of claims per patient per benefit for 6 months period was calculated like this:
  • INT({ FIXED ([Benefit]):COUNT([List of Claims])} / { FIXED ([Benefit]): COUNTD([Certificate (Patient ID)])}
  • The average paid amount per patient per benefit for 6 months period was calculated like this:
  • { FIXED ([Benefit]):SUM([Paid Amount])} / { FIXED ([Benefit]):COUNTD([Certificate (Patient ID)])}

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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