Patient Discharge Turnaround Time (TAT) Dashboard

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Patient Discharge Turnaround Time (TAT) Dashboard

About this project


I have developed a comprehensive dashboard named "Patient Discharge TAT Dashboard," showcasing insightful analysis and visualizations of hospital data for the period from 1st December 2022 to 31st March. The data was sourced from an online platform and thoroughly cleaned using Excel to ensure accuracy and reliability.

The main focus of the dashboard is to analyze Turnaround Time (TAT) for patient discharges, which is the time taken from the consultants advising discharge till the patient got checkout. I have employed pivot tables extensively to facilitate robust analysis and visualization of the data.

Key Visualizations:

1. Line Chart: Months-wise TAT Trends:

This dynamic line chart illustrates the TAT trends over time, displaying how TAT varied from December 2022 to March. It helps identify patterns and trends in the discharge process efficiency across different months.

2. Pie Chart: Number of Discharges (Months-wise):

This pie chart breaks down the total discharges on a monthly basis, providing a clear picture of the distribution of discharges over the given period.

3. Column Chart: Ward-wise TAT:

In this chart, ward-wise audit TAT and final TAT are displayed, allowing users to compare the efficiency of different wards in processing patient discharges. This visualization helps identify any disparities among wards and potential areas for improvement.

4. Bar Chart: Delay Reasons:

This bar chart presents the reasons for delays in the discharge process. It enables users to pinpoint common bottlenecks and identify root causes that contribute to longer TATs.

5. Bar Chart: Insurance Breaching Cases:

This chart displays cases where the final TAT exceeded the standard TAT. It offers insights into cases where the hospital's TAT performance falls below the expected benchmarks.

Interactive Filters:

The dashboard features several interactive filters to enhance user experience and enable more focused analysis:

  1. MOP Filter: Users can select from options like cash credit and corporates to filter data based on different modes of payment.

  2. Discharge Status Filter: This filter allows users to choose between cured, LAMA (Leave Against Medical Advice), death, or other discharge statuses. It helps users analyze the TAT for different discharge outcomes.

  3. Specialties Filter: Users can select specific medical specialties to view TAT trends and performance for each department separately, aiding in identifying specialties that might need process improvement.

Insights and Interpretation:

1. Ward-wise Performance:

The column chart showcasing ward-wise audit TAT and final TAT provides a clear comparison of each ward's discharge efficiency. It helps identify top-performing wards as well as those requiring attention and process improvements. This insight can lead to targeted interventions to streamline the discharge process in specific wards.

2. Delay Reasons Analysis:

The bar chart depicting delay reasons offers valuable insights into the common bottlenecks causing delays in patient discharges. By identifying the most frequent reasons for delays, the hospital can focus on addressing these issues to reduce overall TAT and improve patient care.

3. Seasonal Variations in TAT:

The line chart depicting months-wise TAT trends reveals interesting patterns. It shows that TAT tends to fluctuate throughout the five-month period, with certain months experiencing higher or lower TAT than others. This insight can prompt further investigation into the reasons behind these fluctuations and help identify factors that influence discharge efficiency.

4. specialtiesSpecialities' Performance:

The specialties filter allows users to analyze TAT performance across different medical departments. It can reveal variations in efficiency and highlight departments that may require additional support or process optimization.

5. Insurance Breaching Cases:

The bar chart highlighting insurance breaching cases reveals the number of instances where the final TAT and insurance approval TAT exceed the standard TAT. These cases might have financial implications and negatively impact patient satisfaction. Analyzing the underlying reasons for such breaches can lead to strategies for minimizing them and adhering to standard TAT benchmarks.


The "Patient Discharge TAT Dashboard" offers a comprehensive and visually appealing analysis of hospital discharge data, providing valuable insights into the efficiency of the hospital's discharge process. By incorporating interactive filters and a wide range of visualizations, the dashboard facilitates a deeper understanding of TAT trends, delay reasons and performance across different wards and specialties.

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